The Astralship has Landed: FlashMob Innovation Workshop in the Himalayas


After a long voyage we’ve found a beautiful spot at almost 3000m up in the Himalayas. Here we’re working on our VR language learning project.

This is flash mob innovation. We’ve pulled a small team together from the UK, France and India and inviting other to join getting into peak performance and deep flow up here in the himalayan meadows.

We’re working on our language learning game. We’re fusing immersive language learning with immersive VR. We learn best through experiences, and VR the most powerful tool available to create artificial experiences.

The game for now is set in a world of ancient Brythonic folklore— though we’re considering adding time travel.

There’s only one language in the game (L2) and the player learns through direct experience and not by translating their native language (L1). Switch off your L1 and go into deep flow immersion with L2.


So far we only teach a small amount of language but initial playability tests were very successful. We couldn’t stop some Welsh school kids from playing it. For now we’re only supporting Welsh. As an acknowledgement to the Welsh Government who initially funded us we want to make the game available for free for learning Welsh, however but making the game to be as adaptable as possible to any language and want to find way to commercialise and continue creative development.


On this voyage we’re developing our pilot game, exploring scenarios, future directions, and looking at how to take it to market and raise funds for further development. We have some great skills on our small team but there are many more skills we need. We particular want to find, animators, language teachers and businesses people. This is open innovation.


I’m convinced that language learning is a great application for VR and there is a potential B2B market ahead of the emerging consumer market. Want to ditch your corporate job and become and Astral Pirate? We’re recruiting.


If you want to get involved in this voyage in anyway, physically or remotely drop us a line. We don’t know how long we’ll sustain the Astralship here, but as long as we do you’re welcome.

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