Pavlok 2 - Change Your Habits with Electricity

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[FULL DISCLOSURE: I do content for Pavlok]

Hey fellow Steemitians

Just wanted to share a project I've been working on for work - The Pavlok 2.

Three years ago, we raised $284,000 on IndieGogo for Pavlok --- the first wearable designed to break bad habits and reduce cravings (smoking, nail biting, overeating sleeping in, etc) at the push of a button.

After 3 years of research and 45,000+ users, meet Pavlok 2. Pavlok 2 is the first behavior change platform. You can automatically track gestures, actions, and behaviors you do throughout the day. and Pavlok can alert you when you’re about to do a bad habit, and encourage you when you do good habits.

I used Pavlok successfully to go from smoking 2 + packs a day to having an occasional light after a night of drinking. Pavlok has truly changed my life.

Pavlok 2 is designed specifically to not only help you break bad habits but help you build new ones as well. :)

If you're interested in learning more about our newest project head on over to our campaign page. :)

Yes... Yes... Pavlok was on Shark Tank... but I think you'd like to know the story wasn't as it seems.

Support is super appreciated, and I'm happy to answer any questions as well.


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