My period is irregular, so sometimes i am caught off guard. I Usually experience slight cramps at least few days prior as a warning, tiredness , backaches , grumpy and all that jazz, but for the last couple months, there is never been any sort of warning. I am never the type to have blood stains so i have never been worried, until recently.

This one day, about two months ago, i had a somewhat important meeting, dressed in the most official dress i own, we met with a prospect business partner at a coffee shop for our brief meeting.
I visibly looked haggard, as if i was hanging on a thread for my dear life, But i thought that was because of the stress i had trying to put up the presentation all night and lack of rest.

I went on for the meeting, putting on the best of my smiles, with two gentlemen and we had a LONG meeting, for almost 3 hours. The main meeting lasted for just about an hour and a half, and then the rest of it, the gentle men were just chatting away, and i sat there, pretending to be interested in what ever they were talking about, fake laugh and all, unknown to them , i could not move, because i felt wet and very uncomfortable the moment i had tried too, and when i tried to "push" to test if it was really my period, i felt the blood pouring out as though i had a tap running under there. so i had to sit down still and pretty, with one leg slightly elevated , so i do not sit with full weight on the couch to avoid further damage.

The Gents finished their chat that seemed like it had gone on for like forever. i was still scared to stand up and check in fear of what i will find on the blue sofa at the cafe. I had a blazer, so i was able to remove that and tie it around my waist.
True to my worry, there was a Huge stain on couch, as i shifted to the side. There were people in the cafe, and i froze , thinking what to do. There was a couple seated on the opposite side, and another across from my table.

First Instincts were for me to walk away, as if oblivious to the mess i made , knew nothing of what had happened , and never return to that cafe.
Own up to the accidental mess i made, no matter how embarrassing it would be for me, i had to hold up to my INTEGRITY.
Besides , Menstruation is a very natural part of life that is not at all vile or gross, it's we hoomans that make it seem gross, especially those that don't have to go through it monthly.

Tried to wipe it off with wet wipes first, to see if it will get off and i wouldn't have to embarrass my self by involving the workers at the cafe.
well, the wet wipes did a bit of cleaning, but i wasn't contented as the blood stain was still quite visible, i therefore had to do the dreadful, involve the waitress at the cafe.
I asked her for soap and sponge because i had messed their couch and i needed to clean after my mess. she was being nice and as expected, she said i should not worry, she will take care of it. Well, i should have listened to her , but to be honest, no one loves to clean after another persons mess, even though their job would require them too.

i insisted on the sponge and soap, and cleaned it my self, at this point, all the other 2 workers knew what had happened , and to make everything easier on my part, i made fun of the whole thing and we laughed about it as i cleaned the couch spotless.

I left that cafe feeling better , and fulfilled . Only that i could not get on a taxi, in fear of being stuck in traffic, and therefore had to take a bike ride home, while seating sideways, and had to seat on the toilet for over 30 minutes. it was a blood bath. Is what i am saying gross? why do people avoid talking about periods Yet its the most natural thing that can happen to a woman? why the heavy stigmatization?


Yes, that gross photo is the actual from the incident, that's how my dress looked like when i got home that day, Gross right? Does a normal blood stain that not coming from blood dripping off a vagina gross too?

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