Water Water Water

Water is important to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Human adult body consist of 60% of water. Water simply indicates importance of oxygen to breathing . No water means no life. It' s synonymous of life and symbol of patience, sacrifice.


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Why Drink Water

Drinking water helps maintain the balance of our body fluids. These body fluids functions in digestion, circulation, creation of saliva, absorption, maintenance of body temperature and transportation of nutrients. Proteins and Carbohydrates that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. Further in the body, it regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions.

You're not Drinking Enough Water

Body loses water through breathing, sweating and digestion, which is why it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water like fruits and vegetables. Below are signs that you're not drinking enough water.

  1. Get tired easily
    If you are drinking less water than usual the oxygen level in your blood significantly drop. This will cause you to start feeling easily tired and lethargic.

  2. Not loosing weight
    You are eating your diet food but still not reaching your targeted goal. This happen because you might be drinking less water. The most important basic rules of losing weight is to drink lots of water.

  3. You have constantly headache
    85% of our brain tissue is water. Headache occures when your brain is dehydrated.

  4. Digestive problem
    If you are not drinking enough water, indigestion is a common problem.

  5. Always hungry
    The reason drinking water before meal is recomended is to keep your stomach full. When you don't, you will start feeling hungry.

  6. You have constipation
    For effective bowel motion, you need plenty of water. Not drinking enough water can cause toxin built-up and weight gain. Long term constipation may lead to health issues.

  7. Joint pain
    Water act like fuel to your joints and keep the cartilage soft and hydrated.

  8. Dry scalp
    Dandruff and related hair related problems occur due to dehydration. Your head scalp will get very dry and itchy if you don't drink enough water.

  9. You have a nasty feeling in Your mouth
    Your mouth will stink because its dry and you are not taking enough of water. Drink a lot of water to keep your mouth moist and to drive away bad breath.

  10. Your eyes look dreary
    Believe it or not, you won't be able to cry if you don't drink enough water. Since there is no water in your body, there is a major lact of tears production. The skin beneath your eyes also will start getting darker which lead to dark circle.

  11. Your skin has lost it shine
    In order for your skin to maintain it natural smoothness and shine, you have to drink lots and lots of water. Healthy skins requires to be always hydrated. When you drink enough water, it doesn't get dry and remained soft to touch.

With all of that being said, my dear friends.. Please drink a lots and lots of water.

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I am shy but determined lady who's not a writer nor a blogger. I write to express myself, my thoughts and my feelings. This shy lady was never good at writing essays in school, but she loves to write as it motivates her. Steemit concept and idea of blogging, and earning at the same time gave everyone the opportunity to write on any topic they like and being appreciated. It motivates, enables one to develop, gives freedom and encourages one to improve.

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