Cooking also eliminates stress

My day

This week was so tiring for me, i had to finished all given work. It been a buzy day for me from monday to friday. Monday i had to present infront of the Director, Tuesday had to conduct a course for my workplace, Wednesday had to meeting with my Head of Unit, Thursday doing my routine work and yesterday Friday had to take care booth for the World nutrition day.

Work is a duty and responsibility.

It we're tiring but it's a job, and we should do our job as been given. No short cuts if we want a better outcome or better quality from our hardworking job.

Saturday Resting

Saturday is a day for me to rest.Rest doesn't mean sleep, it means I am free from daily work and i was able to do my favorite activities like cooking and see movies.

I been cook for my family for lunch. It is a Sotong Masak Lemak Cili Api and Sup Sayur Bayam. I'll share with you how to cook Sotong masak lemak cili api first.


Red onion
10 pcs of chilli beans
Turmeric live / turmeric powder
Lemongrass 3 sticks
Squid (which has been cleared and cut)
Shrimp (which has been cleaned)

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the oil in the pan
  2. Stir in sliced garlic, chilli beans, lemon grass and turmeric
  3. Put shrimp and squid
  4. Stir well
  5. Put the coconut milk and 300ml of water
  6. Stir and taste with salt and ajinamoto
  7. Let boil until cooked.



Red onion

Cooking method:

  1. Put a little oil
  2. Red onion
  3. Put the spinach
  4. Then enter 200-300ml of water
  5. Cook until boiling
  6. Season with salt and slightly ajinamoto

For me able to cook for self and family it the enjoyment of life.

Love, @sahiranadiah

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