The Most Productive Day of The Year

Hi there, how was your day going? Some of you might having the celebration of the year as today in Chinese calendar is their second day of new year. Some of having a great weekend outings, party or just relaxing.

Well, mine was very much the most productive so far this year. When i am writing this I just completed a 5km run, while resting I think I probably going to put it on steem.

The purpose is to promote you all a healthy lifestyle and also I hope those of you having stressful moment , this will be another free and cheap way to release those unwanted stress. Also, some sort of little positivity for you all as the paragraph follow.

Today, since I am working half day, I have completed several things. On the early of the day, I rummaged my room and clear up unnecessary things in the room. I clean up all the dustier stuff and I mopped the floor too. Well, since I was working on the afternoon, I still haven’t complete putting back all those stuff inside the room. I still have tomorrow anyway.

Leaving the untidy stuff in the living room, tidying will be continue tomorrow

Sparkling floor after it have been mopped

As afternoon came, I went to office but before that I stopped by at Domino’s Pizza and bought two large pizza to treat office mates lunch. Well, we have a great meal and relaxing working environment afterwards.

My favourite pizza outlet

Then, finally as mentioned earlier on, I did my weekly run and I managed to run for 5km. Well, my last run was exactly on the end of January, however, in between I had futsal, I didn’t expect I will able to run that distance. Well, at least my body still able to endure it.

Summary of my run

Here's my heart rate

Opps, I almost forgot, today I managed to post two steem posts too.

What A Productive Day?!

Anyway, I hope it is still not too late wish all my fellow Chinese friends a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR


Until my next post peeps


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