Everything is Great- Poem Writing Exercise

Everything is great

Eyes that see 

Mouth that talk

Below my knee

Legs that walk

Brain that thinks

Heart that feels

With every hurt

Wounds that heal

Bed to sleep

Food to eat

Great shirts to wear

And shoes that fit

Parents who care

Friends to share

Teachers that lead

And pets waiting to be fed

So, when you stop

And start to ponder

Everything is feeling 

Like a bother

Look around and appreciate

Everything that is going great.

This is another creative writing exercise  I'm doing for my college course. This one's quite fun because everyone in the class get to write different topics and see how others write on their topic. Here's the prompt I got:

 GRATITUDE: Write a poem or journal entry that is all about things you are thankful for. 

This poem is very very simple and rudimentary because I am not really that poetic, but I tried realhy hard to make it rhyme and sincere so I hope you like it. Anyway, any constructive criticism is welcome in the comments below. Here's a sample of what my classmates commented on my piece:

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