Getting fit at Maroubra Beach

G'day Steemians and good-afternoon TEAM AUSTRALIA,

Just thought I would share a couple of weekend highlights with you.

Yesterday, with The SirKnight Family in tow, we hit the pavement at Maroubra Beach - partly because it was just such a beautiful damn Winter's day.

The surfers were out in huge numbers as some glorious sets rolled through.


And partly due to the of course to 'Weight Loss Challenge 2017' - power walking the coast line and a bit of rock climbing is certainly going to help the cause. #weightlosschallenge'

The other highlight of the long weekend for me was what MrsSirKnight did to help me in my personal weight loss challenge - take a look at this 'Chicken and Avocado Salad' she prepared for me on Sunday night - you little ripper!

Chicken & Avocardo Salad.jpg

Loosing weight would be fun if every meal was of this quality!

It is great to see the TEAM AUSTRALIA tag so popular with the posts drawing plenty of revenue. Keep up the great quality of work guys.

I will update the members register in the next day or two and throw out a team update - and I know I owe a few replies, which I will get to as well.

Until then, I say... "look outward at the world for your inspiration - as mother nature has done all the hard work for you."


I am... SirKnight!

Fancy a day at Maroubra? Go to: for more information.

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