Stand up Comedy and how it helps my mental health :)

As many of you are aware I am in fact a stand up comedian and do enjoy telling jokes on a regular basis down at my local comedy place. I perform reguarly at open mics at the Rhino Room here in Adelaide on Monday's as well as the Crown and Anchor hotel, every known again on a Tuesday. I find that comedy is a fantastic outlet for me as it is like a therapist, except there not actually there, your just talking to a crowd who thrives off your jokes and enjoys your stage presence. As I have posted in previous posts, I am more or less an awkward comedian but also someone who has a great stage persona.


I find that doing comedy really helps me with my mental health and helps me enlighten my mood on a day to day basis, as I have gathered so many wonderful friends through the community. You can almost apply it to steemit as well, I was very fortunate to part take in a face to face meeting last week through @teamaustralia and @mattclarke and I was able to meet everyone there face to face and have a laugh and a beer. The great thing about comedy and having a passion as well allows you to be able to join a community full of people who are interconnected through a passion and this allows us to enjoy life a lot more :)


I know it may seem like a really daring thing to do and it certainly is to an extent as you are putting yourself out there and on a stage in front of people, but for me it is actually something I thrive off. I love the adrenaline it gives you and I love the satisfaction you get when you get an audience to laugh with you and enjoy your performance as well as you enjoying it as's a community and something I think is really important to be grateful for. I know I post about all this stuff a fair bit, but sometimes it's important to rectify your passions and hobbies as well as the friends you have made through it and celebrate the community you have among you :)

I would love to hear about anyone else's passions and communities they are apart of and how this has helped there life :) Feel free to comment below


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