Mental Disorder's and how they are very treatable :)

I post a heap on mental health, purely because I am a mental health ambassador and someone who is always willing to lend an ear and a helping hand to those that are struggling with depression or anxiety, or anything that might be dealing with. I really believe that most mental health disorders, although they may seem severely difficult to deal with and really hard to live with. I really do believe that they are manageable and treatable to an extent, if you are willing to put in the work. I myself have an anxiety disorder and have had major depression for years, but I have found so much light at the end of the tunnel and I am living proof that it actually is possible to live with a mental illness and still remain and have a positive attitude.

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I think we all deal with problems and issues, including many of us suffering from depression or anxiety, and I think there are some great strategies for us to overcome these issues. For me keeping active in my comedy community, radio community and surrounding myself with positive people and friends can really help me. I think I am one of the lucky people to have people who care for me and have people who want to be around me, as I know that there are many people out there who don't have anyone that cares about them and feel left out and lonely. I think exercise is really important too, for me this is two training a week of AFL (footy) and then playing on Saturday. When I do the exercise I find it really helps my mood as it helps increase serotonin levels in my brain.


I've also found that with getting up early and getting into a routine, like I am back at Uni or school again can also help me and I feel that exercise including a routine could help you as well. They say that sleep is pivotal for anyone who has to deal with mental health, and sleep helps you recover as well as rest up for the next day and if you are in a great sleeping pattern, you don't have to worry about sleeping in and being over tired, or not sleeping enough and being to tired. Trust me, the more sleep you get on a daily basis and as long as you are not sleeping to much, can really help benefit your mental health and well being :)

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I know that personally I don't do this enough, but I know that a healthy diet can also be really benefical as well as if you eat well and healthy, the more chances are you are of maintaining a good build as well as a healthy mind and soul. If you are to eat junk food, and fast food on a regular basis the higher the chances are of you becoming sick and feeling unwell cause you are eating unhealthy food. Although this may sound like a simple tip, I can assure you the better food you eat the more healthy you will feel :)


I also read a lot on Buddhism and find this has really helped me have a better understanding of life. I also in really dark times have prayed on a regular basis, and I actually believe that praying does work and it gives you a strong sense of hope and willingness to live :) I think religion is a great asset to have in life and having a belief or a strong belief in something can really help your mental health and well being as a person.

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Although these tips may seem simple and basic, I can assure you that if you implement some even one of them on a day to day basis, you will experience elements of happiness and joy in your life. I know it may sound like I am telling you what to do ( I'm not really) I really don't mind if you take it or leave it of what I've said, I just thought I would share this with you and if you want to share it on to others, feel free to do so :)

Keep well everyone


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