Today is the day to make small changes and let your higher self flow. Day to regain strength before the new moon.The Pope and The 8 of Swords - 02/08/24

Today while the Moon transits Cancer Noa we find Venus, which from Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. This gives us a feeling of movement in our relationships or creative projects so that they do not stagnate. It asks us for space in our relationships to let the structures in which we function move and transform. The Moon, for its part, is still in the black phase preparing for the new moon on Sunday and that makes us feel heavy and encourages us to enjoy bed a little more. We are preparing to start a new cycle and we need to save strength to grow in certain facets during the next 6 months. Take the opportunity to give yourself your time and let situations go at their own pace. Sitting internally to observe how the film develops, you will feel the peace necessary so that these energies do not cause you discomfort. The cards today are The Pope and the 8 of Swords. The Pope comes with the energies of Taurus and asks us to seek advice or someone Taurus who will appear to interact with any situation that occurs. The Pope is very related to routine and the search for security that we will reach with those tips or with the connection with your higher self. The 8 of Swords, on the other hand, alerts us about a situation that is occurring today or is going to occur that may be complicated, bringing us some suffering and/or sadness, but it also reminds us that it will not be anything really important and that we will know how to get through it successfully. she. So, a day with energies of change and transformation that will gently move to restructure part of our ties. Have a very peaceful Friday.


When the Pope appears in a consultation, the answers allude to the search for wise advice. This card can also represent a person from the sign of Taurus related to the issue, in your life or who is about to appear to interact.

Taurus is a fixed sign very familiar with a fixed and structured routine, things that bring security, a primordial feeling to the sign. The Pope embodies all of this and invites us to return to our roots and traditions. Suggest that you seek knowledge or advice about the situation at hand (an expert, professional, or wise friend, for example).

The card indicates that you should not make important decisions on your own. Research, study and advice, in addition to being ways of doing things in a more traditional way, can be the way to follow to resolve the current situation. The letter also represents an improvement in status, but advice and assistance from structured people or institutions are important for this to happen.

Finally, it can also mean the search for a higher power, a greater force that comes within you and that ultimately favors a new opportunity for spiritual elevation.

The Pope is Tarot card number 5, also known as The Hierophant and can be considered a counterpart to the Priestess. This Major Arcana indicates the importance of study and knowledge in relation to any issue. In the order of the archetypes, while the Magician only points out the path to follow, the Pope is our guide, the one who takes us by the hand and leads us to our spiritual goal. It represents a path to higher consciousness.

In the card, we see a man wearing religious costumes in an environment that alludes to a church. Their costumes represent the triune principle or the three kingdoms: material, spiritual and mental. In his left hand he holds a three-lined scepter, another symbol of his dominion over the three kingdoms. Below it, the crossed keys represent the balance between the conscious and the unconscious, unlocking secrets and mysteries.

Two initiates kneel before him. The Pope's task is to bring them closer to his doctrine, to teach them to channel their faith. He raises his right hand to give his blessing, the same hand that the Magician raises to perform his magic. However, while the Magician captures the energy of the Universe and channels it into the material plane, the Pope captures his power through the material world, from the faith generated by the people of the world.

It is one of the so-called pillar cards of the Tarot and when it appears in a consultation it usually reminds us that information and knowledge are the keys to the situation in question. In addition to the Pope, The Priestess and Justice are also pillar cards, both representing knowledge or information.


The 8 of Swords suggests obstacles, suffering or sadness. It may even be due to something not so important or it may be that someone is making you suffer. In any case, the letter does not bring good news, but it does bring a message that luck may not favor you at the moment. It's usually nothing that will change your life drastically, remember that you can overcome any situation.

The 8 of Swords symbolizes something complicated that may be happening or is going to happen. In the letter, we see a woman blindfolded and tied up. 8 swords are stuck in the ground, surrounding it like a prison and representing obstacles. He fails to see the challenges ahead, nor can he do anything to change or escape the events that are yet to come.

The woman's feet do not touch the water, indicating that the feeling of restriction that comes with the 8 of Swords is more in the mind than emotionally. There is a path open before her, which represents a way out of the situation at hand, but she needs to throw off the blinders to see clearly and act effectively.


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