José y su cambio | Historia [ESP-ENG]

José era un adolescente de 15 años de edad, estaba pasando por una etapa muy difícil en su vida, el desarrollo, donde su cuerpo comenzó a experimentar cambios físicos y emocionales. Sentía que su vida era toda una tragedia, no era fácil, ya que no aceptaba ni entendía esos cambios que le estaban sucediendo, uno de esos cambios fue el acné. Todos sus amigos se burlaban de su rostro porque tenía acné en su cara y esto le traía muchos problemas emocionales, estaba muy deprimido y triste por esta situación. Con la ayuda de su mamá buscarán las maneras de que este joven tenga una cara sana y continúe con su vida normal.

Jose was a 15 year old teenager, he was going through a very difficult stage in his life, development, where his body began to experience physical and emotional changes. He felt that his life was a tragedy, it was not easy, since he did not accept or understand those changes that were happening to him, one of those changes was acne. All his friends made fun of his face because he had acne on his face and this brought him many emotional problems, he was very depressed and sad because of this situation. With the help of his mother they will look for ways for this young man to have a healthy face and continue with his normal life.


Una mañana José se despertó y se paró frente al espejo, algo que hacía diariamente, pero su mayor sorpresa fue cuando noto que tenía varios puntos rojos en su rostro, no sabía que era y por curiosidad empezó a tocárselo y se los rompió. José sentía mucho dolor y no sabía qué hacer hasta que llamo a su mamá muy nervioso y asustado, de inmediato ella lo ayudo a limpiarse la cara y le explico lo que estaba sucediendo con su rostro, que era algo normal y que le pasaba a todos los adolescentes de su edad.

Cuando José escucho a su mamá se calmó un poco y continuo con su rutina diaria, además ya estaba muy retraso para ir al colegio, así que tenía que apurarse para no llegar tarde. Cuando llego a la entrada del colegio se puso una gorra para taparse la cara para que no vieran lo que tenía y así no llamar la atención de los compañeros de clase para que no se burlaran de él, ya que había sucedido antes con otros jóvenes, él no era el único que tenía acné en su cara, pero era la primera vez que le salía y se sentía muy incomodó.

One morning Jose woke up and stood in front of the mirror, something he did daily, but his biggest surprise was when he noticed that he had several red spots on his face, he did not know what it was and out of curiosity he started to touch his face and broke them. Jose felt a lot of pain and did not know what to do until he called his mom very nervous and scared, she immediately helped him to clean his face and explained what was happening to his face, that it was something normal and that it happened to all teenagers his age.

When Jose listened to his mother he calmed down a little and continued with his daily routine, besides it was already very late to go to school, so he had to hurry so as not to be late. When he arrived at the entrance of the school he put on a cap to cover his face so they would not see what he had and thus not draw the attention of classmates so they would not make fun of him, as it had happened before with other young people, he was not the only one who had acne on his face, but it was the first time he had acne and he felt very uncomfortable.


En su última clase le tocaba exponer al frente de sus compañeros, pero tenía que quitarse la gorra, ya que era una regla del salón de clases, por lo que la profesora lo obligo a quitársela. Eso fue lo peor que le paso a José durante ese día porque todos empezaron a reírse y burlase de él, por ese acné tan grande que tenía en su rostro. José no pudo aguantar las ganas y se puso a llorar, ya que nunca había pasado por eso, se sentía muy humillado y triste.

Cuando llego a su casa aún tenía la nariz muy hinchada y el dolor en la cara era cada vez más fuerte, así que su mamá lo llevo al médico para ver que le recomendaba y que debía hacer para mejorar el acné. El doctor de inmediato lo reviso, se da cuenta de que era un acné, le explico detalladamente lo que estaba sucediendo, además le mando algunas cremas que le iban a ayudar con el dolor, quitarle la hinchazón y antibióticos, pero lo más importante que tenía que hacer José era no rompérselas, ya que si no la infección iba a hacer mayor y le quedarían marcas.

In his last class it was his turn to present in front of his classmates, but he had to take off his cap, as it was a classroom rule, so the teacher forced him to take it off. That was the worst thing that happened to Jose that day because everyone started to laugh and make fun of him because of the big acne he had on his face. Jose could not stand the urge and started to cry, as he had never been through that before, he felt very humiliated and sad.

When he got home his nose was still very swollen and the pain in his face was getting worse, so his mom took him to the doctor to see what he recommended and what he should do to improve his acne. The doctor immediately checked him, realized that it was acne, explained in detail what was happening, also sent him some creams that would help with the pain, remove the swelling and antibiotics, but the most important thing that Jose had to do was not to break them, otherwise the infection would be bigger and he would have marks.


Pasaron varias semanas y el tratamiento no le presto, le empezaron a salirle más acné en toda la cara, José estaba tan deprimido, no quiso asistir más a clase y las cremas que estaba utilizando eran demasiadas caras y no podía estar comprando constantemente, así que su mamá tuvo que buscar otras alternativas naturales para sanar la cara. Ella le cometo que existían varias cremas y medicinas naturales que podía utilizar, además contienen elementos naturales que tienen muchos beneficios que le ayudaran y lo más importante es que lo podemos hacer en casa.

Desde ese momento José empezó a buscar información de ese tipo de remedios naturales que lo podían ayudar a mejorar su cara, encontró mucha como que plantas utilizar, como prepararlo, su aplicación y beneficios Este joven junto a su mamá empezaron a preparar una crema con algunas plantas que tenían en casa, usaron la sábila, además le ayudaría a quitar las marcas que ya tenía. Cuando noto que su cara empezó a mejorar y a quitárseles algunas manchas y el acné cada vez eran menos, se sintió muy contento y feliz por el resultado.

Several weeks went by and the treatment did not work, he started to get more acne all over his face, Jose was so depressed, he did not want to go to school anymore and the creams he was using were too expensive and he could not be constantly buying them, so his mom had to look for other natural alternatives to heal his face. She told him that there were several creams and natural medicines that he could use, they also contain natural elements that have many benefits that will help him and the most important thing is that we can do it at home.

From that moment on José started to look for information about this type of natural remedies that could help him to improve his face, he found a lot of information about which plants to use, how to prepare them, their application and benefits. This young man together with his mother started to prepare a cream with some plants they had at home, they used aloe vera, besides it would help him to remove the marks he already had. When he noticed that his face began to improve and some spots and acne were less and less, he was very happy with the result.


José ya había implementado esta rutina diaria de echarse cada noche este remedio natural, por unos 20 minutos, su olor no era nada agradable, pero era por su bien. Les comentó a varios de sus amigos que utilizaran ese remedio casero que era muy bueno, económico, le iba a mantener su cara sana. José, gracias a este remedio, pudo continuar con su vida tranquila, volvió a ser el joven alegre que era, ya no estaba deprimido, ya no era necesario usar más gorras.

Volvió a sonreír y entender que los jóvenes durante su desarrollo pasan por muchos cambios físicos y el acné es uno de ellos. Este tipo de terapia natural que empezó a usar José lo ayudo a superarse el mismo, a subir su autoestima y lo más importante lo hizo feliz, todo gracias a su mamá y a sus remedios o terapias naturales caseras.

Jose had already implemented this daily routine of applying this natural remedy every night for about 20 minutes, its smell was not pleasant, but it was for his own good. He told several of his friends to use this home remedy, which was very good, inexpensive and would keep his face healthy. José, thanks to this remedy, was able to continue with his quiet life, he returned to be the cheerful young man he was, he was no longer depressed, it was no longer necessary to wear caps.

He smiled again and understood that young people go through many physical changes during their development and acne is one of them. This type of natural therapy that Jose started using helped him to improve himself, to raise his self-esteem and most importantly made him happy, all thanks to his mom and her natural home remedies or therapies.



Las terapias naturales son de mucha ayuda para nuestra vida, quizás muchos aún no las conocerán como este joven, sin embargo, a otros le han resultado muy eficaz, donde su vida ha cambiado. Yo personalmente he tomado varios té de plantas, cuando me siento enfermo, además cuando me corto o me sale acné utilizo sábila, así de esta forma aplico varias terapias naturales en mi vida.

Natural therapies are very helpful for our lives, perhaps many still do not know them like this young man, however, others have been very effective, where his life has changed. I personally have taken several herbal teas when I feel sick, also when I get a cut or acne I use aloe vera, so in this way I apply several natural therapies in my life.



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