Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall & Our Redemption (part 1)

Written by Cullen Smith at Lifting The Veil ** NOTICE: DO NOT REPRODUCE ON OTHER CHANNELS, BLOGS OR SITES, BUT YOU MAY SHARE THIS PAGE AROUND TO HELP SUPPORT THE WORK. THANK YOU! All rights reserved on the text and watermarked graphics only.

Symbolism holds no allegiance to any group, identity, society, or agenda. It transcends all borders, boundaries and limitations of language. It reveals itself as self evident to those who are open and willing to listen to its silent workings.

I must apologize, friends, because this type of content is always such a large daunting task to outline in a linear narrative that It can drive one insane trying to pull this much from the amorphous aether into a tangible and cohesive format, so I spend countless hours just trying to arrange, organize and rearrange my thoughts and pieces to where they have the most fluent impact. I hope I paint a clear canvas here.**



**I cant believe I didn't notice the Trump Cabinet's Ozymandias Veidt Industries/ Pyramid Transnational ROYAL ELITE PURPEL AND GOLD MK UltraViolet symbolism until now! Let's unpack this bold and adept symbolic CABAListic display by the Illuminati Trump Administration. **

**To give you an intro summary, quoting this explanation by Tribunist : **

"The internet has been abuzz in recent weeks about the multi-colored, triangle shaped lapel pins that many of Donald Trump's top staffers have been spotted wearing.


Trump adviser Michael Cohen was on CNN, sporting the same pin.

Some people speculated that the pins represented some secret Illuminati club. Others thought it might even be supernatural, or a signal to aliens (remember, this is the internet we're talking about).

Well, calm down internet, apparently it's just an age old tactic used by the Secret Service to quickly identify high level staffers in a crowd of people.

The Secret Service has apparently long used slight visual cues placed on staffers and protected persons' bodies.

**Of course, that could just be a concocted cover story thought up by our secret, immortal, alien masters." -

Ya, thats funny, because it IS ALL OF THE ABOVE! A DEAD GIVEAWAY as it always is, and as I've exposed countless times before in almost ALL of their most recent extremely symbolic mass shooting false flag attacks! Their symbolism will be their downfall, as the adept can easily trace the calling cards used to communicate agendas amongst various secret societies unified under one global cabal, a "NEW WORLD ORDER of centralized control and commerce." **

Now, let's rock your world with the esoteric meaning behind this flagrant flaunting of Adept royal EL-ite symbolism. This is going to get YUGE. **


The mysterious PURPLE AND GOLD PYRAMID****lapel pin is NO MYSTERY to me. It's a direct allusion to the ancient royal priesthoods and pharaonic bloodlines. We will FULLY blow the mind with the depth and intricacy of the sheer SIGNificance of ROYAL ELITE PURPLE AND GOLD further all throughout the article. In particular, the pin is a direct homologous correspondence with the comic series Logo of VEIDT ENTERPRISES, an ultra Elite ELiminati worldwide conglomerate****headed by Adrian Alexander Veidta.k.a. OZYMANDIAS who****is a main characterin Watchmenseries published by DC Comics, in which he serves as the main antagonist.

Veidt Enterprises is the marketing propaganda and finance front for Veidt's Global transport service **PYRAMID TRANSNATIONAL****, which he uses to smuggle covert and advanced energy weapons and carry out various high level nefarious activities around Manhattan and abroad in order to accomplish his Great Plan to save the world, by devising the world's largest ever False Flag attack, staged by a fabricated alien invasion in order to unite humanity against the looming threat of nuclear holocaust. **

More on that further on. The company was named as an homage to the
Egyptian pyramids, betraying a connection with Veidt Enterprises, and their logo was a simple purple triangle enclosed by a circle.


Veidt Enterprises is comprised of many buildings, most of which the interior is in the decorative style of EGYPTIAN AND MESOPOTAMIAN ROYALTY. In fact, Veidt is a representation or reincarnated embodiment of ALEXANDER THE GREAT. **

"Veidt embarked on a vision quest, following the route of Alexander the Great - a childhood idol of his and his father's - throughout the Mediterranean, Asia Minor along the Black Sea north toward Gordium. He entered Egypt through Memphis, then Alexandria, Kabul, Samarkhand, and went down the Indus to Tibet, where he gathered martial knowledge and got a ball of hashish. He stopped to Babylon where Alexander had died and pondered his failings.[2]

He then returned to Alexandria where Alexander's body was buried. It was during a journey in the desert that he consumed a ball of hashish and saw a vision. He decided to conquer the evils of men by becoming a superhero .[2]

Returning to America, he named himself "Ozymandias" and became a costumed vigilante adopting the name of Rameses II and Alexander's free-booting style. Initially, he tried ending injustice by demolishing crime syndicates and focused particularly on organized crime."

Veidt Enterprises also holds at least one building in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica, called Karnak, a large dome inside which there is a large experimental rain forest, living quarters and labs.

The parallels and sync correspondence between Trump and Ozymandias are ABSOLUTELY STAGGERING!

Now you know why Trump loves his purple ties so much, and why his campaign podium was always PURPLE, because he himself renders the purple complimented by the GOLD hair and ORANGE AMBER skin! More on that later.

Veidt Enterprises manufactures everything from the famous lingerie and make-up line Nostalgia
to super-hero action figures, just as Trump has various worldwide global enterprises with his brand name in every fad he can get his tiny hands on from "fine apparel," neckties made in China, Au De Toilet colognes, real estate, even Trump steaks. He will attach his name to anything he can to exploit it without shame. **

"Seeing how Veidt conforms to and manipulates the market with subconscious imageries (this is obvious in his letter to Angela Neubergin Chapter XI) combined with the fact that his products are everywhere makes us imagine how much influence and control he has over the minds and opinions of the people."


Both Trump and Ozymandias are born from rich German Immigrants.




Let me preface by explaining the duality of color symbolism in parapsychology. The PURPLE and GOLD is the same as PURPLE and ORANGE because yellow GOLD tints into the ORANGE/ red spectrum as AMBER which is the color of EMBER ORANGE of the sun which shifts from blue spectrum as white or yellow into ORANGE AMBER EMBER as the day or season wanes.

Hence, the POLAR OPPOSITES or DUALITY of the color wheel equates the PURPLE AND GOLD as being a slight shift but the same primary and complimentary duality as RED AND BLUE, representing the DUALITY of the cycles of nature, the summer and winter or day and night.

We will return to this segment further on...

PURPLE is used symbolically from ancient Canaa Phoenicia as TYRIAN or ROYAL PURPLE also known as Tyrian red, Phoenician purple, royal purple, imperial purple or imperial dye, is a reddish-**purplenatural dye **from TYRE, the trade and commerce capital of Phoenicia, which gives us TYRANT, TYRANNY, and is the color worn by ancient tyrants, representing tyranny. **

** To rehash the full backstory quickly, Tyrian purple comes from the secretion of a rare sea snail called murex, and is so expensive that it was only reserved for ROYALTY as a symbol of STATUS. Its significance is such that the name Phoenicia means 'land of purple.'

It came in various shades, the most prized being that of "blackish CLOTTED BLOOD". This is because ROYAL CRIMSON PURPLE is the color of PASSION which comes from "SUFFERING" which is the color of BRUISING AND BEATING, ABUSE, hence CRIMSON PURPLE BLOOD! **


**Hence why the christian churches have the PURPLE PASSION and GOLD robes representing the royal PASSION "suffering" of the Christ! **

***"The woman was arrayed in******purple******and******scarlet******, and adorned with******gold******and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth."*****(Revelations chapter 17:4-6).

The scarlett woman is Phoenician "Queen of Heaven" Asherah. It should be known that Asherah is the consort of the Semitic god EL whos is Roman SATURN, which will come hugely into play further on.

Royalty are the ones who wore the robes. ROBE comes from "TO ROB" but that's for another time. **

This is why the
PASSION FLOWERis named after ROYAL PURPLE. The name was given by missionariesin Brazilas an educational aid while trying to convert the indigenous inhabitants to Christianity; its name was flor das cinco chagas*****or "flower of the five wounds" to illustrate the crucifixionof Christ, with other plant components also named after an emblem in the* Passion of Jesus**.

I think It's, hands down, the baddest ass and most beautifull flower ever! It's sheer vibrance seems to transcend into the UltraViolet spectrum. (This segment should've fit better further up by the Jesus Passion, but it's too late now, the struggle is real)

It seems akin to the purple thistle. At some stages of growth, it even resembles a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eating monster! We will get to that at the end about the one eyed alien monster. WHAT? There's an alien monster in here as well?! Of course there is!


PURPLE AND GOLD is the color parapsychology of the PURPLE HEART medal, which gets its name for the same reason of being wounded in battle, hence the CRIMSON PURPLE PRIZE OF CLOTTED BLOOD!


PURPLE descends from ancient Mediterranean ROYALTY/ MONARCHY to the ROYAL HOUSE OF WINDSOR / SAXO COBURG AND GOTHA, which is GOTHAM, hence it's allusion to MANHATTAN (GOTHAM).




ORANGE/ AMBER and PURPLE represents the ROYAL DUTCH HOUSE OF ORANGE NASSAU, the royal DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY who is the worlds largest and most powerful commercial transnational trade industry and is founded the city of MANHATTAN when Henry Hudson sailed into manahatta bay on SEPT 11! These two Houses work intimately together in Alliance of Empire to RULE THE WORLD in service of the Semitic House of EL!

** Flag of the Netherlands (LAND OF THE DEAD). **

"The Loyal Orange Institution, more commonly known as the Orange Order, is a Protestantfraternal orderbased primarily in Northern Ireland. It also has a Grand Orange Lodge of Scotlandin the Scottish Lowlandsand other lodges throughout the Commonwealth, as well as in the United Statesand Togo.[1][2][3] The Orange Order was founded in County Armaghin 1795, during a period of Protestant--Catholic sectarian conflict, as a Masonic-style fraternitysworn to maintain the Protestant Ascendancy. It is headed by the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, which was established in 1798. Its name is a tribute to the Dutch-born Protestant king William of Orange, who defeated the army of Catholic king James IIin the Williamite--Jacobite War(1688--1691). Its members wear orange sashesand are referred to as Orangemen. The order is best known for its yearly marches, the biggest of which are held on or around 12 July ('The Twelfth')."

The Order of the House of Orange (Dutch: Huisorde van Oranje*****), sometimes referred to as the House Order of Orange, is a dynastic orderof the* House of Orange-Nassau, the royal family of the Netherlands similar to the Royal Victorian Orderin the United Kingdom. The order was instituted by Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlandson 19 March 1905 and is not subject to ministerial responsibility or influence, but is awarded at the discretion of the Dutch monarch alone.

The Orange Order is a conservativeBritish unionistorganisation[4][5]with links to Ulster loyalism. It campaigned against Scottish independencein 2014.[6]The Order sees itself as defending Protestant civil and religious liberties, whilst critics accuse the Order of being sectarian, triumphalist,[7][8][9][10]and supremacist.[10][11][12][13]It has also been criticised for associating with loyalist paramilitary groups.* As a Protestant society, it does not accept non-Protestants as members unless they convert and adhere to the principles of Orangeism, nor does it accept Protestants married to Catholics.[14][15][16]Orange marches through mainly Catholic and nationalistneighbourhoods in Northern Ireland are controversial and have often led to violence*****.[17][18]"


*****ORANGE is the color parapsychology of WARNING! AMBER ALERT! THE FORSHADOWING OF A CERTAIN IMPENDING ATTACK OR VIOLENCE leading to BLOODY DEATH, hence BLOOD ORANGE!*****In nature it is the color of her WARNING that the FALL of the season of the SUN is imminent, when all the leaves turn ORANGE to warn that the sun will surely die soon as it enters the EMBER AMBER months. **


My good friend and menTOR Christopher Lord @ Truthiracy: Hosue of Wisdom who taught me much of this says: **

**"Royal Dutch House of ORANGE are the ones who MADE New York (New Amsterdam) and obtained Manhattan on SEPTEMBER 11th 1609!!! The RED WHITE and BLUE is NOT AMERICAN, it is from the Royal Dutch House of Orange-Nassau (Dutch East India Company). **

11 = November -but- Nov means NINE (9) and it's our 11th MONTH now, so, November means 911! (7-9-11) 711 (September 11th) SEPT = 7! CUT (division) = Separation = DEATH just as 9 means DEATH so does the ELeven!

11 (ll) ELite ELders of EL (ll) = 11! New York is the 11th State! Flight 11, 111 (11) etc.!


Go look at the ancient ORANGE WALL street picture of the OLD WALL they want to now REBUILD!! TRUMPet (TRUMP Pence 2016) HELLO!

WALL STREET WILL CRUM"BULL" DOWN!! The 11 foot TALL BULL of WALL STREET that represents our STOCK (wealth)! The GOLDEN CALF! The BRAZEN BULL! The Egyptian APIS BULL.


**Building = BULL House (BOLD) on the "BULL" (Boulevard)! **


Save WALL Street? The Whore who RIDES the BULL, EUROPA, EUROPE, the ROYAL PURPLE Phoenician PRINCESS WHORE who was raped by Zues. **

**Welcome to the ancient ORANGE/PURPLE (EL) House of the Ancient BULL GOD worshipers of Canaan Phoenicia (Hebrew) world ELite ELders of EL! ORE (SUN) LIGHT EL+ight (enLIGHTenement) FALL of ORANGE of the EL-even! Now go watch the TWO EL-ights shine into the SKY at the WTC New York! Aloha!" **


The ORANGE DON of EL (DONALD, MAFIA Boss of Jewish ELders of Zion) was miraculously inaugurated on 11/9 2016! This is no mistake or stroke of luck or coincidence! 216 is the ancient timeless wisdom of the SUN OF MAN, a cosmological constant, Plato's GOLDEN NUMBER, the product of 6 CUBED, 666, in esoteric symbolism and magickal numerology! "*****Plato alludes to the fact that 216 is equal to 6 cubed, where 6 is one of the numbers representing marriage since it is the product to the f******emale 2 and the male 3******. Plato was also aware of the fact the sum of the cubes of the 3-4-5** Pythagorean tripleis equal to 3 cubed + 4 cubed + 5 cubed = ****216******, the number of the SUN and LIGHT (ORE, AUR, GOLD), which makes it a GOLDEN NUMBER."
I can't possibly get into all that here but see my full presentation dedicated to it, "Fidget Spinners: 666, DEEP Esoteric Numerological Secrets of Creation!" >>


9/11 is actually 7/11 because SEPT is the SEVENTH MONTH of the zodiac, and EMBER is the AMBER ORANGE of the fall ember months. Orange Donald Trump actually refers to the 9/11 attacks on the WTC as the 7/11 ATTACKS, which he knew would occur to the very detail before the attacks took place.**

7/11 is used as a corporate subliminal for the middle east, as many 7/11 PETROL stations are associated with the "habeeb mart" a racist association for indian or middle eastern immigrant business owners, which further plays on the subliminal predicative programming of the racist "war on terror" and PETRO WARS false flag agenda.

**ORANGE ORDER equals 42 and 33 in simple reduction septenary English Gematria. We wont go into that here though.


My friend Stefan says oranje is influenced by Old Occitan auranja AAA-N-YAA (आन्या in Hindi), the same as the Russian variation Anya. Meanings: The Sanskrit word that means "inexhaustible" is A-NN-YAA (अन्या) based on the root A-NNN (अन्न) - which means food.

aura + anja, "GOLDEN FOOD" of the SUN! ORient apple, or GOLDEN APPLE, as APPEL means FRUIT.

The TAROT arcana or other playing decks are often used to foreshadow or divine foreboding or disastrous events and death yet to occur, and of course TAROT comes from a version of Italian TAROCCI which is a "kind of BLOOD ORANGE!"



**This is why we find the Ocean's ORANGE EL EVEN as the 10 around 1, 10/1, the symbol of the circumpunct of the SUN!



ALL of this royal elite saturnian symbolism is covered fully in my upcoming full length film exposing the symbolism of the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest FestivEL sacrifice attack.

**Is Trump using secret Tesla Time Travel technology confiscated by his uncle John Trump who was CIA and who confiscated Tesla's research, journals and patents, in order to expand his empire?? (Kidding) Stop smoking crack, internet conspirafries! The reason he "predicts the future" is because HE IS INSTRUCTED AND ADVISED BY THE ELITE ZIONIST ELDERS OF EL what to do like a pawn and puppet! STOP BEING SO NAIVE AND CHILDISH. **

I've also covered all this and the Orlando Pulse PURPLE and ORANGE nightclub shooting on south ORANGE st in ORANGE COUNTY, ORLANDO, and the ORANGE AND PURPLE Paris Bataclan theater shooting Ultraviolence in district EL EVEN, most prominently in "
CODE ORANGE! A Clockwork Ultra False Flag Symbolism" presentation that was deleted by youtube. >>**

The BATclan Theatre was owned by two ZIONIST JEWS who sold the place on 9/11 2015 before the attack took place.

**Paris is known as the "City of LIGHT" because of the AMBER ORANGE soldium bulb lamps that light the city. **


Also covered fully for more context in "Symbols of Power pt1: Skull & Bones, MK Ultra, Monarch Symbolism" >>

You must see all these to grasp the full understanding of what I'm showing you here, unless youre already adept at the parapsychology of these very obscure themes of esoterica and world affairs, which very few are. I'm telling you without a shadow of a doubt that this is one of the most central symbolic keys of communication by the esoteric cabals, and once you understand it, you will see the world and hollywood symbolism like never before!

The Wild ROYAL ORANGE WARNING of the orgastic sex parties at the ORANGE ROTHSCHILD MANSION in Stanley Kubrick's EYES WIDE SHUT.\

**Mk Ultra and MONARCH (royalty, ELite) mind control experiments have produced many assassins known as manchurian candidates. One of the most recent, being the James Holmes/ Dark Knight Rises conspiracy, which was a mass shooting taking place at a PURPLE AND ORANGE Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, harkening to the theme of Batman where his parents were shot up at the MONARCH THEATER!\

PURPLE AND ORANGE (AND GREEN) ARE THE ROYAL COLORS OF THE ROYAL JESTER, the CLOWN, the JOKER, the FOOL, the BUFFOON, the BAG OF WIND, who's job is to provide COMEDY, MIRTH and circuses to entertain the royal elitists.

Be sure to see my full "The Trump Card: All The World's Staged + False Flag Sacrifice Numerology**" presentation **

**The Very not so subtle move by the Trump Campaign was to shift from using red and blue campaign bannners, to ORANGE AND PURPLE, to pay tribute and it's dues for operating COMMERCE and REAL Estate (which comes from Spanish REAL, meaning ROYAL, REGAL, and CURRENCY) in NEW AMSTERDAM YORK, to the ROYAL DUTCH HOUSE OF ORANGE.

**This is inside info if you've seen my films, but the PURPLE AND ORANGE is the HALLMARK of hollywood CIA MK UltraViolence.\


**Ozymandias is notorious for hiring various assassins to sacrifice for his Great Plan under his control. Hence, his color parapsychology of PURPLE / GOLD MONARCH mind control, which is utilized to induce a trance formation in it's subjects to program them with VIOLENT tendencies and sociopathic complexes.



**We witnessed the CIA's MK ULtraViolet GUN VIOLENCE campaign during the Marilyn Manson concert on stage in Las Vegas where MONARCH BUTTERFLY wings made of giant pistols came crashing down on him, as a forshadowing of the mass MK ULTRA gun violence assassinations that would unfurl the next night at the Route 91 Harvest massacre event.

Purple/ UltraViolent is the chosen color psychology representing the Psyche-delic PSYCHE, the MIND (which harkens to OZYMANDIAS being the SMARTEST MIND in the world) coming from the Greek Goddess Psyche, who's symbol is the MONARCH BUTTERFLY and who's color is purple, because the color of ULTRAVIOLET is the spectrum of the beyond.... the UNSEEN REALMS of the spirit, above and beyond (meta) our visible red and blue spectrum, hence it is the color of transcendence beyond duality and into the higher psychic realms of psy and meta human abilities, which was the initial goal of project MK ULtra, was to push the physical and mental limits of the victims to have them break and transcend, or die, as all creatures that are forced into evolution by adaptation are required. **

end of part one.. maximum length exceeded... continue to part 2 here>>

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