Assassination Nation: Decoding the Cabal's Civil War MK UltraViolent "Ritual Cleansing" PART 2

Written and produced by Cullen Smith @ Lifting The Veil.**
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THIS IS PART 2 OF THE FULL PRESENTATION! You must see part 1 for full understanding!

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I just saw this ad for the "The Great Plan" for America's future.. oh wait, it's actually just a trailer for the new movie** [ASSASSINATION NATION] **in theaters September 21.

If you care to know the full context of what im presenting here, you can watch this trailer.**

**Who are the ones creating and fomenting all of these movies, this so called "art" that is calling for and prophesying #civilwar and the Great Purge , the Great #Culling and the great Cleansing of society?? Fueled further by engineered events such as the Parkland florida event, which just "mysteriously" miraculously happened to "coinCIDE" WITH THE WORLDWIDE cultural ANCIENT "PURGE AND PURIFICATION" RITUAL DAY which I will fully elaborate and explain, and just miraculously happened to be used as fodder to implement and enact the Great #YOUTUBE AND INTERNET PURGE of 2018! GEE, HOW SPECIAL!

It would seem to be obvious that these false flag massacre attacks and violent social programming are like the hand that pushes a wheel with each revolution to gain momentum.


Im going to blow this whole Sacrifice purification theme WIDE OPEN in my unreleased "#Occult Secrets of the Parkland Florida Massacre**" presentation that was withheld because I knew it would've fueled the termination of my channel and #censorship of the internet, and I didnt want to feed that beast. **


These types of massacres and media inluences miraculously tend to be released on the autumnal equionox, the time when the sun is judged and will be condemned to the underworld, during Virgo, the Great HARVEST MOON BLOOD sacrifice season of Yom Kippur, the 10th of Tishrei, the day of atonement for the sins of the NATION in the jewish LUNAR calendar, JUDGEMENT DAY of islam, commemoration of the mASSACRE of houssein, just before the day that begins the Sukkoth (sucketh)!


So Now you will know exactly why the Levites who made Assination Nation named the town in the movie is SALEM, the place mentioned in Genesis xiv.18, from Hebrew Shalem, usually said to be another word for Jerusalem and to mean "****PEACE****" (compare Hebrew shalom, Arabic salaam****), because SEPT 21, the autmunal equinox is the WORLDWIDE DAY OF PEACE,****but **Hollywood wants to destroy that shit****, of course, by releasing assassination nation!


**There 101 days left in the year from the atum equinox, Which is the 93rd day of summer. 93 is the number of Thelema in Crowley's OTO, and the 101 is the sacred portal or gateway of initiation.




**Again, It's written and directed by Sam Levinson.


Levinsonis an Ashkenazi Jewish surname. It means "son of Levi".


The Levites were the fools who ritually slaughtered and practiced** RITUAL BLOOD SACRIFICIAL CLEANSING OF THE NATION****!

Make sure to see my full presentation "Occult Secrets of Blessing"on The ancient Hebrew Yom Kippur Ritual Blood Purification slaughter!**



The Levitical priesthood began with Aaron, the older brother of Moses (Exodus 28:1--3). Aaron's descendants served as the priests in Israel, ministering in the tabernacle and, later, the temple, primarily as** *mediators between man and God (interlopers, intercessors, pharisees)*****.



Excerpt from "*Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall"
"...During the Jewish harvest seasons of the high holydays of Yom Kippur, during the 7th month of Tishri in the Zodiacal house of Virgo the Virgin and or Libra, the scales of JUDGEMENT DAY (which is Yom Kippur,
* ***the jewish sacrificial day of atonement of the sins of the people, where they slaughter innocent victims to try and atone for their crimes as outlined by the sacrificial system*****)!*****


These types of massacres and media inluences miraculously tend to be released on the autumnal equionox, the time when the sun is judged and will be condemned to the underworld, during Virgo, the Great Harvest blood sacrifice season of Yom Kippur, the day of atonement for the sins, in the jewish calendar JUDGEMENT DAY of islam, commemoration of the mASSACRE of houssein, just before the day that begins the Sukkoth (sucketh).

In the time of Christ, THE SADDUCEES COMPRISED MOST OF THE PRIESTHOOD AND WERE KNOWN TO BE A WEALTHY CLASS OF PEOPLE****. The Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection (Matthew 22:23) *or in any kind of spiritual realm*****such as angels and demons in (Acts 23:8). *The chief priests were instrumental in having Jesus crucified ***(John 18:13).

**But of course all of this is just allegorical because none of this history actually ever happened, except for the ritual murder and slaughter of innocent scapegoa victims, THATS the only part thats actually real, and of course and all of these biblical figures were never real.

It seems that the Orange House of Judas (Juden) just might offer the blood ORANGE KOD ( Kiss of Death) sending their potential "sacrificial virgins." **


My Friend Christoper Lord again says:*
"*****Judas KISS of DEATH! I decoded this years ago! At the END of the AGE (year), the FALL (of LIGHT) in Autumn is when the SUN goes to the underWORLD (winter) and the Anthropomorphic character of the SCORCHED SCORPION gives the SUN it's FINAL KISS of DEATH and puts the SUN into a DEEP SLEEP like the AMBER ORANGE EMBERS of the EMBER MONTHS of September, October, November and December!

***Summer is when the Sun is on FIRE and then in WINTER it is in it's EMBER state (time, season). Now you KNOW why Judas is WEARING the ORE (SUN Hebrew Lexicon) of ORANGE!!! The ORANGE HOUSE of DEATH!" ***

**We can also find the HIGHLY DESCRIPTIVE AND EDUCATIONAL symbolism of the ancient's retarded beliefs that the gods DEMANDED blood and holocaustic human sacrifice in order to satiate their hunger in the BBC tv series "Troy: Fall of a City" where they very accurately portray the ancient royal semitic Phoenician priesthood of Tyrian Purple Tyranny in both the Greek Kings and the Trojan royal bloodlines, wherein they CLEARLY depict King Agammemnon and the Greek warriors in their ORANGE war tents conversing every time they are talking about RITUAL HUMAN SACRIFICE AND SLAUGHTER as commanded by the gods, who are supposedly playing them as pawns to the Great Plan!

**This is a scene where Odysseus explains to Agammemnon that he must SACRIFICE HIS ONLY CHILD in order to give safe passage to Troy. It's hard to tell in this scene since I cant find the right one without watching the WHOLE SERIES again, but they are always wearing royal Tyrian PURPLE and depicted in the ORANGE war tent. **

**Does #art REALLY imitate life, or is that just a #bullshit justification for #sociopathic social engineers posing as "artists" in order to get the public to IMITATE or MIME/MEME what they WANT EVERYONE to think is "cool", which would be murder death kill, their ultimate fantasy??

Art is THE single most powerful semiotic tool for the conveyance of stimuli to influence the psyche or consciousness, and to program or control the mind in whatever way the artist desires. Stay tuned for my full nearly finished presentation on this called "Symbols of Power: Masters of the Universe, Peering Into the Abyss of Consciousness".

Every single artist and performer on earth, is a practicing magus, or either white or black magick, for good or for garbage, which is why all of my work is pivotally centered around illustrating archetypes through psychology, art and symbolism and deciphering social trends, language and culture throughout time and space!

It's exactly what** Prince was destroying in his intro monologue for his 1999 "One Song."

**It's not even a question. It's not even up for debate, It's deadly obvious where these pop artists and their dark priesthood of media magician handlers want to take us.

It reminds me of this assclown Donald Glover, the "Childish Gambino's" video "This is Amerika" music video depicting all sorts of Gun Violence representing these ritual massacres, which is only allowed to flourish and thrive because of its ambiguity and cryptic nature surrounding the MK ULTRAVIOLENT ASSASSINATIONS, because it's unclear symbolically whether he truly is denouncing and detesting it, or if he's actually condoning, and promoting the glorifixation of it (Pun intended) to an intellectually handicapped young audience as alluded by the abhorrent babbling jibberish lyrical style and lack of vocabulary of modern rap and hip hop.


Interesting that it encodes the theme of APOCALYPSE via CIVIL WAR within it!


What's even more curious about it, is the fact that
he's NOT ALLOWED to comment on it**, because that would DEFEAT THE PURPOSE of it's ambiguity by those who intended it to be so cryptic, because it is the AMBIGUITY or MYSTERY that causes these cultural phenomenon to become so powerful as the medium in which Chaos flourishes, whereas it's antithesis as CLARITY, DEFINITION, and UNDERSTANDING are the solution that brings WISDOM, OBJECTIVE MEANING, harmony and order to our lives, one that is structured harmonically and does not waiver or falter under false pretense.

In fact, I personally despise this great "Gambino" idiot. And I think his 'art" is pure garbage or worse, but thats just my opinion. Symbolism and onomancy dont lie. Seeing as he's such a 'talented" mutlticontexturalist, i'm sure he's more than aware of the implications of his work, or should we say, his "FIRST FRUITS," so I want to openly challenge him to a symbolic allegorical artistic showdown.

But the royal ORANGE ORDER of DEATH deem him to be their symbolic GOLDEN CHILD. Pretty despicable that youtube has deleted so many videos such as mine and even entire channels for even MENTIONING the word GUN in our EDUCATIONAL videos, while this clown can prance around blowing peoples heads off with a smile on his face and prance off and get promoted as the GOLDEN CHILD, for it. It's all in the onomancy. **

GAMBINO is the CRIME LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD, which is meant to harken the BAMBINO, which is the YOUNG BABY or CHILDISH such as BABYFACE Nelson, who assassinatedmore FBI agents than anyone else.

"The Gambino crime family (pronounced [ɡamˈbiːno]) is one of the "Five Families" that dominate organized crime activities in New York City, United States, within the nationwide criminal phenomenon known as the Mafia (or Cosa Nostra). The group, which went through three bosses between 1910 and 1957, is named after Carlo Gambino, boss of the family at the time of the McClellan hearings in 1963, when the structure of organized crime first gained public attention. The group's operations extend from New York and the eastern seaboard to California. Its illicit activities include labor and construction racketeering, gambling, loansharking, extortion, money laundering, prostitution,[3] fraud, hijacking, pier thefts [clarification needed], and fencing."

The Gambino crime family (pronounced
) is one of the "Five Families" that dominate* organized crimeactivities in New York City, United States, within the nationwide criminal phenomenon known as the Mafia(or Cosa Nostra). The group, which went through three bosses between 1910 and 1957, is named after Carlo Gambino, boss of the family at the time of the McClellan hearingsin 1963, when the structure of organized crime first gained public attention. The group's operations extend from New York and the eastern seaboard to California. Its illicit activities include labor and construction racketeering, gambling, loansharking, extortion, money laundering, prostitution,[3]fraud, hijacking, pier thefts[[clarification needed](], and fencing.*

The family was one of the five families that were founded in New York after the Castellammarese Warof 1931. For most of the next quarter-century, it was a minor player in organized crime. Its most prominent member during this time was its underboss* Albert Anastasia, ****who rose to infamy as the operating head of the underworld's enforcement arm,** Murder, Inc.He remained in power even after Murder, Inc. was smashed in the late 1940s, and took over his family in 1951---by all accounts, ****after murdering the family's founderVincent Mangano.***

*The rise began in 1957 of what was the most powerful crime family in America for a time, when Anastasia was assassinated ****while sitting in a barber chair at the Park Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan. Experts believe that Anastasia's underboss Carlo Gambino helped orchestrate the hit to take over the family."



Trust the Plan... Everything is going according to Plan. And it is indeed a Divine Plan. **

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