Assassination Nation: Decoding the Cabal's Civil War MK UltraViolent "Ritual Cleansing" PART 1

Written and produced by Cullen Smith @ Lifting The Veil.**
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THIS IS PART ONE of the presentation since steemit wont ever let me post the full books.



I just saw this ad for the "The Great Plan" for America's future.. oh wait, it's actually just a trailer for the new movie** ASSASSINATION NATION**in theaters September 21.

If you care to know the full context of what im presenting here, you can watch this trailer.** **


Starring Odessa Young, Hari Nef, Suki Waterhouse, and
ABRA****. Written + Directed by Sam Levinson*****. #AssassinationNation*

Abra is Hebrew Avra, meaning "to create", and is the root phoneme of ABRACADABRA meaning " I create as I speak" literally "I will create it, as per command" or more colloquially "What you command, I will create". The word "avra" is the future first-person tense of "bore", or to create, and therefor "I will create". The word "kadavra" is composed of the prefix "ka" or "as per", and the word "davra" which is "command."

But It also carries a double, more sinister and evil meaning, perhaps more intuitively, derived from Aramaic phrase "avra kadavra." Harry Potter fans will likely know that this is what JK Rowling used when she was coming up with the killing curse "avada kedavra." "I WILL CREATE A CORPSE" as kadavra is Turkish for CADAVER, DEAD BODY! In an interview, she stated that the original phrase meant "let the thing be destroyed,"****TO OBLIVIATE!

So Let's see how that onomancy curse manifests itself through this Hebrew CABAListic left hand path black sorcery here.

Not surprisingly, this film seems to dovetail right in with the #Purge #movies, which are ALSO pushed by the #CIA's liaison division of #hollywood, and seems to be eerily reminiscent of where I see the convergence of our minds meeting, spurred on and encouraged by this #Qanon movement, as everyone is invoking the magickal spell of "GREAT PAIN IS COMING," "Trust the Plan."



The film is about a "secret alliance of "white hat(e)" "whistlblowing" vigilante hackers who "release the memo" and leak 17,000 people's harvested online data from their cell phones, emails, texts, and web history and make it all available publicly which incites CIVIL WAR when everyone finds out what they REALLY think and say about each other behind closed doors.



It all began with advent of Donald Trump as I was describing back in 2016 in my** CODE ORANGE: A CLOCKWORK ULTRAVIOLENCEvideo decoding the #esoteric symbolism of the Florida Pulse nightclub shooting, describing the *inception of #chaos and #civilwar into peoples minds*****, where people still hold so many *socially engineered and engrained ideologies*****that when they finally meet in plain view, its like opposing wavefields ***clashing in discord*****, but "*****eventually after they all neutralize or cancel each other out*****," it settles into harmony again, like winding a ton of clocks all out of sync and eventually they all auto syncronize.

It's quite possibly THE single most hateful and violent satanic films ever made in the history of man. It makes Quentin Tarentino look your babysitter or nanny.

You MUST see this article and video presentation as well as my full "Symbolism Will be Their Downfall and Our Redemption" book/ film project FULLY EXPOSING the cult of Clockwork Orange/MkUltraViolence Royal Orange warning of ritual slaughter and
royal Tyrian Purple Tyranny in order to FULLY understand what I'm showing you here!**


As I looked more into this film, It's clearly another social scare and programming for the CODE ORANGE WARNING of** ***gun violence and ritual massacre purification of the Nation.


This is inside info if you've seen my films, but the PURPLE AND ORANGE is the HALLMARK of hollywood CIA MK UltraViolence.

Here is a brief excerpt from "Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall"

**Purple/ UltraViolent is the chosen color psychology representing the Psyche-delic PSYCHE, the MIND, coming from the Greek Goddess Psyche, who’s symbol is the MONARCH BUTTERFLY and who’s color is purple, because the color of ULTRAVIOLET is the spectrum of the beyond.... the UNSEEN REALMS of the spirit, above and beyond (meta) our visible red and blue spectrum, hence it is the color of transcendence beyond duality and into the higher psychic realms of psy and meta human abilities, which was the initial goal of project MK ULtra, was to push the physical and mental limits of the victims to have them break and transcend, or die, as all creatures that are forced into evolution by adaptation are required. **

**Donald Trump "will BRING BACK INHUMANE SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE, LIKE WATERBOARDING, AND A HELL OF A LOT WORSE... THAN WATERBOARDING!" Anyone whose not a complete mental vegetable knows that the clinical psychological damage of such abuse is IRREPARABLE, and is only resolved by DEATH, because the victim will become an absolute MONSTER of living hell on earth, which is why we find ourselves in such predicaments to this very day because of the mass ritual trauma that has been installed as our basic operating system for thousands of years running!

Mk Ultra and MONARCH (royalty, ELite) mind control experiments have produced many DRUGGED AND PROGRAMMEDassassins known as manchurian candidates.One of the most recent, being the James Holmes/ Dark Knight Rises conspiracy, which was a mass shooting taking place at a PURPLE AND ORANGE Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, harkening to the theme of Batman where his parents were shot up at the MONARCH THEATER!

Make sure to see my full presentation "**Modus Operandi: How Government Creates False Flag Manchurian Candidates!"

PURPLE AND ORANGE (AND GREEN) ARE THE ROYAL COLORS OF THE MASONIC Shriners ROYAL ORDER OF JESTERS, THE OFFICIAL AGENTS OF CHAOS, the CLOWN, the JOKER, the FOOL, the BUFFOON, the BAG OF WIND, who's job is to provide COMEDY, MIRTH, chaos, death, and circuses to entertain the royal elitists.



"Purple - Perp EL
Perp - Perpetrator - One who commits a crime..
EL - God
Purple - Crimes of God
Violet - Violence- Vile Ends - Vile Ette
**VI = VI-olent, VI-llain, VI-cious, VI-ctim, VI-le, VI-ndictive, e-VI-l, de-VI-l, de-VI-ous.. etc..."


The ROYAL TYRANNICAL PURPEL is the archetypal holly wood black magick or BLACK LIGHT ULTRAVIOLENT color symbolism of the EVIL VILE traitor, the deceiver, the DEVIous DEVI, or DEVIlish DEITY, the trickster god who brings the PERPetration and PERPetuation of downfall, declination and DEATH at the EVENing time, when again, the Bright ORANGE Sun of God is crossed and betrayed and deceived and receives the KISS OF DEATH at his temporal downfall of PURPLE PASSION emblematic of the PASSING or CROSSING over and transcending to the other side beyond, during the evening of the cycles of dualism as covered further on!

So now you can see the MK ULtra violent manchurian candidate being programmed to KILL on command by the TYRIAN PURPLE TIRADE!**



**Again you MUST SEE "Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall" in order to fully grasp this, I've presented countless THOUSANDS more 100% proofs!! **

**For added Background context here is what I've summarized for the previous CODE ORANGE presentation, now PURGED from youtube for it's "hurtfull" educational content exposing esoteric symbolism and numerology in ritual false flag massacres.


*****ORANGE is the color parapsychology of WARNING! AMBER ALERT! THE FORSHADOWING OF A CERTAIN IMPENDING ATTACK OR VIOLENCE leading to BLOODY DEATH, hence BLOOD ORANGE!*****In nature it is the color of her WARNING that the FALL of the season of the SUN is imminent, when all the leaves turn ORANGE to warn that the sun will surely die soon as it enters the EMBER AMBER months.

*oranje is influenced by Old Occitan auranja AAA-N-YAA (आन्या in Hindi), the same as the Russian variation Anya. Meanings: The Sanskrit word that means "inexhaustible" is A-NN-YAA (अन्या) based on the root A-NNN (अन्न) - which means food. aura + anja, "GOLDEN FOOD" of the SUN! ORient apple, or GOLDEN APPLE, as APPEL means FRUIT.

The TAROT arcana or other playing decks are often used to foreshadow or divine foreboding or disastrous events and death yet to occur, and of course TAROT comes from a version of Italian TAROCCI which is a "kind of BLOOD ORANGE!"


Theres ALWAYS more to the story than the Royal Dutch House of Orange (windsors, saxo coburg gotha) are paying for you to see. the #PULSE night club was on #ORANGE avenue.. dead giveaway who was behind the shooting, ORANGE AND PURPLE is the CALLING CARD of the royal elitist ORANGE House of Death!



The ORANGE WARNING, CODE ORANGE in the DHS state of emergency level terror threat. Dont forget that the Bataclan Theater, Paris shooting massacre was ALSO ORANGE DISTRICT which was owned by two zionist jews who sold the place on SEPTEMBER 11 BEFORE THE ATTACKS! See Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall for so much more!

#Orlando, Florida is in ORANGE county!




**#WEAR ORANGE ..."****\



**I think after this many times around, my CODE ORANGE presentations should be DEADLY obvious by now, and I for one, will do my best to calmly direct people to boycott these events for their own safety or enter at their own risk, without myself being labelled or LIBELED as the one who orchastrated these events. No joke. **

Stay safe and EYES WIDE OPEN!

Also covered fully for more context in "Symbols of Power pt1: Skull & Bones, MK Ultra, Monarch Symbolism" >>**

****The Wild ROYAL ORANGE WARNING of the orgastic sex parties at the ORANGE ROTHSCHILD MANSION in Stanley Kubrick's EYES WIDE SHUT.**

**You must see all these presentations of mine to grasp the full understanding of what I'm showing you here, unless youre already adept at the parapsychology of these very obscure themes of esoterica and world affairs, which very few are. I'm telling you without a shadow of a doubt that this is one of the most central symbolic keys of communication by the esoteric cabals, and once you understand it, you will see the world and hollywood symbolism like never before!


"A little more than a week before the Pulse massacre, there was an online effort to highlight the widespread ****problem of gun violence******noted with the hashtag #WearOrange, which was supported by "hundreds of thousands of Americans," including numerous celebrities, from R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe (sync "Orange Crush") to actress Susan Sarandon to Spike lee lighting up the EMPIRE State building ORANGE FOR GUN CONTROL!! There is this orange link to gun violence now."**

All of these #wearorange fools are sheep for the slaughter by the Orange Order.



In the United States, the Homeland Security Advisory System was a color-coded #terrorism threat advisory scale. The different levels triggered specific actions by federal agencies and state and local governments, and they affected the level of security at some airports and other public facilities. It was often called the "terror alert level" by the U.S. media. guess what color we're in.... ORANGE ALERT!

"*****There is also another notable ORANGE County - the one located in southern California and home of Anaheim and Disneyland, also known as the "Magic Kingdom," just as the other #Disney resort nicknamed "Magic Kingdom" is in ORANGE County, Florida.*

It would appear the SOMEBODY besides myself knows the secrets of the ORANGE WARNING RITUAL SACRIFICE BLOOD MAGICK!

***The ska-punk-pop band No Doubt, led by Gwen Stefani, named their breakthrough 1995 album Tragic Kingdom, as a cynical play on the name "Magic Kingdom," while also including a cover image of the band in an ORANGE grove and Stefani holding a fly-ridden, rotten ORANGE. The band presents itself as a spoiled "product." The slogan "Bought and sold out in U.S.A." can be seen on the album cover as well. Syncing with No Doubt is the ska-punk band Save Ferris. This band was formed in 1995 when Tragic Kingdom was released - in ORANGE County, California, of course." ***

**Disneyland's "Tragic Kingdom" is ALSO located in PARIS FRANCE, the major center for Violent False Flag Code Orange Terror attacks! **

*One of the key (and great) songs on Tragic Kingdom (also the title of a Red Dirt Report column about this massacre by Scott J. Hamilton), is "Sunday Morning." The events at the Pulse nightclub in ORlando took place on Sunday morning, June 12, 2016. *" - Andrew W Griffin **of Red Dirt Report.

And make note that this was right when they were pushing all the hype for the movie "The PURGE: Election Year" which took place DURING TRUMPS CAMPAIGN FOR ELECTION YEAR in 2016, as he was ritually and successfully installing the new world Order out of Chaos and inciting mass social upheaval and calling for mass cultural violence between races, and classes at his events and rallies, which has stirred the pot of civil unrest ever since and we've been swimming in a new era or social injustice in it's wake, for all of you 'woke folks'' who simply dont know how to see the occult world order through esoteric or symbolic eyes! **


Be sure to see my full "The Trump Card: All The World's Staged + False Flag Sacrifice Numerology**" presentation ****



The Very not so subtle move by the Trump Campaign was to shift from using red and blue campaign bannners, to ORANGE AND PURPLE, to pay tribute and it's dues for operating COMMERCE and REAL Estate (which comes from Spanish REAL, meaning ROYAL, REGAL, and CURRENCY) in NEW AMSTERDAM YORK, to the ROYAL DUTCH HOUSE OF ORANGE.**


Is it so strange or unnerving that a news anchor stated on live tv after the announcement of his election that it was the beginning of a "NEW WORLD ORDER?" **

**The Purge series is pure Hollywood CIA propaganda for "organized Government sanctioned and mandated and chaos," (the antithesis of anarchy) which I remember EXACTLY when the last movie of the series "the purge: anarchy" came out, social media was hashtagging "the #purge is happening etc etc!" all spurred by #CIA's branch of Hollywood false flag propaganda to the point where police nationwide were on ORANGE ALERT issuing threats that if "anyone was caught on the streets" to "carry out the purge..."

**Police terror threat alert was so hightened by the trauma programming that something happened, SOMEBODY snapped, a domino was flicked and an innocent black man was murdered by police on the streets and that was the initiation of the entire #Ferguson Missouri shooting protests and chaos that began the Black Lives Matter movement.

ALL CREATED AND STARTED BY HOLLYWOOD AND THE CIA'S CAREFUL PSY-OPS of ORDO AB CHAO, with first the movie "the purge" and then the blurring of social media with reality, via thier mass hashtag campaigns, making people think "the purge" was actually happening, which ITS NOT!



Again, if you dont believe me, or that this is all arbitrary delusion, you need to see ALL OF MY OTHER CITED WORKS, my Symbols of Power part 1 film, my CODE ORANGE video, Truthiracy3's ORANGE HOUSE OF DEATH series, and my full, shocking Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall**presentation. **


"Royal Dutch House of ORANGE are the ones who MADE New York (New Amsterdam) and obtained Manhattan on SEPTEMBER 11th 1609!!!** ***The RED WHITE and BLUE is NOT AMERICAN, it is from the Royal Dutch House of Orange-Nassau*****(Dutch East India Company).


Trust the Plan... Everything is going according to Plan. And it is indeed a Divine Plan. **

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