Mini Trend Cookies'18 I LOVE Spring

Spring is here, we say goodbye to the precious winter and welcome you to this new season.

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Cookie dough:

125 g unsalted butter
100 g icing sugar
300 g flour
1/2 teaspoon aniseed powder
A pinch of salt
1 egg L

Stuffing and decoration:

150 gr of whipped cream
Food colorants
Edible flowers

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In a bowl put the butter that should be ready ointment along with the icing sugar. Beat until smooth. Add the egg, beat, then gradually add the flour with the salt and aniseed powder. Mix well, make a cylinder and put it in paper film and put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

Preheat the oven to 175ºC

Stretch the dough between two sheets of vegetative paper. Cut with short pastries and bake for about 12 minutes.
Let it cool on a rack.

Once they are cold, we decorate them with whipped cream to our liking with the help of some pastry sleeves and different nozzles. In my case, I decorated the bottom of the cookie with a small smooth nozzle making small piles. On top of the cookie with Russian flowers and leaves.

I put petals of edible flowers on top.

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