ZeroLoss Nano-financing For Poverty Eradication (LXXXII)

If charity and philanthropy could eradicate poverty, after thousands of years of coexistence, nearly half of the world’s population wouldn’t still be living on less than $2.50 a day.

The concepts of prosperity and poverty are as old as the 12,000-year-old history of civilization, and so are charity and philanthropy. Extreme poverty still exists.

“If beggary is one of the oldest professions, alms-giving is the inventor of that profession.”

There should be a more dignified way to uphold the human dignity of the poor rather than leaving them to the vagaries of beggary.

We invented one.

Although, at the heart of it all, it is N A N O F I N A N C E, or micro-finance as some may prefer to label it, we call the concept PROSPERISM for its broad, non-partisan, radical, sociopolitical impact unlike any other ‘ism’ known to humanity.

Two Radical Techs

This new potential socio-economic movement is made possible by at least 2 innovations that answer the question:

Can nano loans to the poor be rendered 100% default-free to make them universally attractive to lenders?

Default-free loan? Isn’t that an economic impossibility!

Here’s how blockchain technology made such zero-risk micro/nano loans possible:

1. ZeroLoss Ecosystem:
First, a revenue generating system that guaranteed profits in any and every setting had to be invented. Check here how ZeroLoss Trading tech was able to do it by democratizing the multi-trillion dollar algorithmic trading industry for the benefit of the impoverished. (AlgoShare patent)

Second, create a new class of collateral-free 100% secure ZeroLoss Financing of nano loans with zero possibility of default.

As per conventional wisdom, there’s no loan without risk. But this one is. How so?

Check it out here. In essence the loan amount is delivered to user’s special ZeroLoss wallet, which restricts loaned funds to be used only for ZeroLoss trading, and only profits are allowed to be withdrawn.

The ZeroLoss Ecosystem assures positive income, apparently enabling any poverty-ridden person to finance a nano-loan of, say, $200, and set up the system to autonomously earn enough to propel them beyond their poverty threshold of $1.90/day.

Extreme Poverty Impossible To Cure? AlgoShare’s ZeroLoss Tech Achieves It.

2. ZeroCash Crowdfunding:
Realizing that spreading the movement worldwide would be an impossibly daunting task, we discovered a radically novel crowdfunding system — ZeroCash.

ZeroCash is an influence-based crowdfunding system that raises funds for projects without supporters actually having to contribute any real cash.

Who, with any level of affluence, wouldn’t want to support poverty alleviation if none of his / her assets were ever subjected to any risk?

The initiative can not only alleviate poverty, but generate profits for such ZeroCash backers / supporters / funders. They just have to park their funds in their own wallets, and use the resulting influence to generate new funds for the candidate fundee projects. Such an impact investment platform can not only globally mobilize trillions that are sitting on the sideline awaiting investment opportunities, but reach out to local NGOs worldwide with funding for disseminating these unique ZeroLoss, nano-financed, income-generating, opportunities to the poor across the remotest corners of the world.

Where Are We At Present?

Pre-Alpha prototypes of ZeroLoss platform (branded as Prosperist) and ZeroCash are currently crowdfunding for scaling up.

Where We Wanna Go?

United Nation’s Agenda 2030 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) look almost unachievable by 2030 due to lack of adequate funding. ZeroCash’s influence-based crowdfunding holds out new hope of reaching out to the most deserving sustainability beneficiaries with the much needed funding that can potentially change their lives. The beneficiaries can be prioritized according to the severity of the problem, urgency and the overall impact on sustainability as follows:

SDG-1: End Poverty In All Its Forms
Of the 17 SDGs, Poverty eradication is number 1 goal.

SDG-2: Zero Hunger
1 in 3 women of reproductive age is anemic, and 22% of children under 5 are stunted

SDG-5: Gender Equality
Women are still more likely than men to live in poverty. There are 122 women aged 25 to 34 living in extreme poverty for every 100 men. So far no country has achieved gender equality. At the current rate of progress, it will take 170 years to close the economic gap between men and women.

An Economy That Works For Women

An OXFAM report bearing the same title asserts:

Women’s economic empowerment could reduce poverty for everyone.

Women earn only 77 cents for every dollar that men get for the same work and they constitute only 13% of the agricultural landholders.

OXFAM: Women Unlimited. Poverty Undone.

When a woman is unlimited she will use her potential to help end poverty ‐ not just for herself, but for everyone else.

For all the above reasons, we believe, gender equality is the first step in fighting poverty. It’s the most effective way to end poverty, and therefore our current focus.

Can France Change The World One More Time?

Image Credit

Statue of Liberty is one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks. With this 19th century gift to the United States, symbolic of freedom and democracy, France gave a new makeover to this new world that changed its persona forever.

Proposed by the French historian Edouard de Laboulaye and designed by his friend sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, Statue of Liberty celebrated the success of United States in building a viable democracy. It left an indelible signature on brand America.

Today, eradicating extreme poverty from the face of planet earth is a much bigger cause, a much nobeler cause.

When Mona Lisa travelled to the US in 1962, President Kennedy addressed the painting as “the second lady that the people of France have sent to the United States.

Mona Lisa: A feminist wort $2.67 Billion

Like Laboulaye & Bartholdi, somebody has to propose that France can do it one more time. Change the world all over again.

Well, certainly not by sending the second lady anywhere anymore, but by delegating her influence for a much bigger cause, a much nobeler cause.

To empower the women of the world. To eradicate poverty. To end hunger. To change the world one more time.

Somebody has to propose that France can authorize the delegation of the influence of this Da Vinci masterpiece for thinking the unthinkable, for doing the undoable.

Somebody had to propose. Somebody, who understands that influence can be capitalized. Somebody, who knows that it can be done.

Somebody who believes that France can change the world one more time.

So, who else than us?

This article was first published on Medium

The Prosperist Pledge-LXXXII:

If you wish to pledge support to the Prosperism movement, the terms remain the same as previous posts, with the following pledge:

“I pledge to share my SBD+Steem reward from this post with @prosperist to earn Xteem tokens @ 1 Xteem token / $0.01”.

Thank you for your continued support.

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