---My everyday carry--- A quick look at what I carry around everyday I leave the house

This is my EDC.......not yours......MINE!!!!

I have been debating for a few days whether or not to make this post but have decided that tis better to make the leap and not make it then to wounder about the leap for eternity. As a red blooded, liberty loving, evil hating, vigilant American these are the items that I carry on a daily basis. Now don't get me wrong there are times and places that some of the below items can't accompany me but for the most part, if I go they go. So without further ado, here is my EDC:

I have decided not to post pictures of these items because I would like to try and keep this post rather short and easy to scroll through. These items include: wallet, phone, keys. I consider these the DUHH items. Next are the three sisters so to speak and they are a lighter, lip balm (I prefer chap stick), and a pocket knife. Side note on the pocket knife; I prefer to use one that is in the $20 range so that if I ruin, loose it, or have to throw it out (which I have had to do on an occasion or two lol) I'm not devastated.


Ok...if you have made it this far into the post I'm going to assume (i know ass-u-me haha) that you are interested in what I would call the meat and potatoes of EDC so here goes.

Lets begin with the items that you can take anywhere and not have to worry about having them on your person. I always have, and recommend that you do as well, a good flashlight with me. A good flashlight comes in handy all the time and if you have ever needed a flashlight and not had one you know lack of light sucks. I have chosen to carry a Streamlight ProTac 1L-1AA seen below.

The next two items that I carry all the time and it doesn't matter where I go with them are a note pad and a bandanna. I prefer the write in the rain kind but you should use whatever works for you. Didn't think anyone needed a pic of a bandanna.

For my "sharp knife" as my girls call it, I carry a Spiderco Pacific Salt. It is made from H1 steel and according to knife gurus this blade will not rust, which for me living in Florida is a big plus.

Last but not least is my sidearm, PDW, pistol or whatever you wanna call it. I have chosen to carry a Smith and Wesson M&P. Just my personal choice, I'm not saying anything bad about any firearms, I just believe that a polymer striker fired handgun is the way to go.......you do what works for you boo boo.

So there you have it my down and dirty EDC. I'm hope I do not loose followers over this post but I am almost certain that I will. This post was not made without careful consideration and was in no way meant to anger anyone. However if this expression of my thoughts and beliefs has offended you then you may need to harden up and re-evaluate your definition of freedom and liberty.

Until we meet again stay safe and vigilant

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