Natural Solar Energy - But winter's coming

Natural Solar Energy ☀️


The rain is finally here and a lot of Londoners are sighing with relief. My plants are certainly happy about it, mind you it's only been one day. Who knows, we may see some green lawns yet.

I've been enjoying the heatwave, and the abundant sunshine personally. Apart from soaking in some much needed Vitamin D regularly, I've also been utilising the free energy of the sun. I like to call it "Natural Solar" energy, without any need for solar panels and the like.



I'm talking about using the heat of the sun to dry my laundry. Not only does a batch dry within the hour - faster than a dryer, it also smells 10x fresher. The UV rays also help kill off germs that may be hanging around on my clothes. Also there is no condensation caused by drying clothes and no mouldy smells. So many wins.

I originally just had a string tied from fence to fence, but I've since installed a retractable clothes line I bought at Asda for about four quid. It's pretty handy. I didn't permanently affix it so I can remove and change location at will. When I don't have any clothes out, I can retract the line so it doesn't obstruct me when walking around. Much better.

We are now entering the end of summer, sadly, and I'm going to miss this sunshine. I'm not looking forward to the crazy energy bills when it starts getting cold. I think it's going to be a difficult winter this year. I hope it doesn't get too cold. It's already going to be a very expensive time for many. If Putin turns off the gas, we're in for some wild times.

Peace & Love,


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