Summary: Chain Chatter – September 4, 2024

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@khaleelkazi @anomadsoul zord4n

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Bridging the Gap: Li-Fi's Quest to Simplify cross-chain asset Transfers

In the latest episode of the Chain Chatter podcast, hosts Khal and Eric sat down with Zord, the marketing lead for the cross-chain aggregation protocol Li-Fi. The discussion provided valuable insights into Li-Fi's journey, the challenges of marketing Web3 products to a Web2 audience, and the broader efforts needed to improve crypto's public perception.

Zord's Crypto Origin Story

Zord's introduction to crypto dates back to 2017, when a friend convinced him to invest in the nascent space. After initially losing money, Zord became intrigued by the technology and began researching the industry more deeply. Over the Next few years, he gradually immersed himself in the crypto world, eventually transitioning to working in the industry full-time starting in 2020-2021.

The birth and Growth of Li-Fi

Li-Fi was founded in June 2021 by Max and Philip, who had previous experience in aggregation in the biomedical field. The protocol was born out of the founders' recognition of the fragmented and user-unfriendly state of the cross-chain bridge landscape at the time. Li-Fi set out to aggregate various bridge solutions and make it easier for users to move assets across different blockchain networks.

In the early days, the Li-Fi team faced significant challenges in educating the industry about the importance of cross-chain functionality. However, events like the Arbitrum Odyssey and Li-Fi's integration with Metamask helped drive broader awareness and adoption. Today, Li-Fi is considered a market leader in the cross-chain aggregation space, supporting integrations with 8 out of the 10 largest crypto wallets.

Navigating the B2B and B2C Landscapes

Zord highlighted the distinct differences in Li-Fi's marketing approach for its B2B and B2C offerings. On the B2B side, the focus has been on establishing trust and credibility, as larger enterprises seek stability and sustainability from their partners. In contrast, the B2C ARM, Jumper exchange, has embraced a more playful and creative tone, allowing for greater experimentation and community engagement.

Zord noted that the B2C space is inherently more dynamic and fast-paced, with new trends and memes emerging every few months. This requires the Li-Fi team to be highly adaptable and continuously innovate to stay relevant. The B2B side, while more structured, still presents challenges in terms of the lengthy sales cycles and the need to overcome the crypto industry's reputational baggage.

Fixing Crypto's Public Perception

When asked about improving crypto's perception among "normies" (mainstream users), Zord acknowledged the significant work required to overcome the industry's tarnished image. He emphasized the need for a coordinated, industry-wide effort to address the proliferation of scams, bad actors, and negative media coverage that have plagued the space.

Zord suggested that the crypto community should be more proactive in calling out and ostracizing bad actors, rather than inadvertently amplifying their reach. He also highlighted the importance of political lobbying and public relations campaigns to counter the negative narratives and educate the broader public about the technology's potential benefits.

Looking Ahead

Despite the challenges, Zord remains optimistic about Li-Fi's future and the broader evolution of the cross-chain ecosystem. He envisions a future where asset transfers become seamless and ubiquitous, with Li-Fi at the forefront of supporting these use cases across various industries and applications.

Ultimately, Zord's message to the audience was a call to action – he encouraged more people to get involved in the crypto industry, emphasizing the need for passionate and talented individuals to help drive the space forward.

@leoglossary links added using LeoLinker.

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