There Is Nothing Wrong With Suicide

I understand that this might be a controversial subject for some people. I would advise anyone who is emotional about this to not read any further.

Life can be a fascinating experience for some and extremely awful for others. One can find the beauty in all things and enjoy them through good times and bad. Others that do not share the same point of view can't go into this mind trip. I am calling it mind trip because objectively life sucks.

Most people on this planet have no water, food or shelter on a daily basis. They never did if you are quick to accuse "capitalism" or some other political ideology. This is how life rolls. This is how social darwinism works for all species. Some perish for some others to advance. This is how our species reached this point in history.

For many reading this, life is pretty good. You are most likely young with no illness or major distress and most likely grew in a family that was ready to supply you with the basics even if you had your ups and downs. For some others though life is pain day in and day out. Whether it is physical pain or emotional is irrelevant.

One can look at a pile of shit and be fascinated by the extravagant mechanism of the human system that takes food and processes it down to its basic nutrients. Feces exits from another hole in the body as a new substance! There are essentially other forms of life that can themselves give life to other forms of life! Fascinating right? Well, for some it is still shit.

I wrote in the past that "Empathy Is Bullshit" for the very reason that one cannot possibly get in the shoes of another person. We share different experiences, different physiologies and different timelines that cannot be possibly be shared due to basic physical laws.

We think we can understand others but this is only an illusion. Most of the time, we cannot even understand our own actions, our own thoughts and processes because they have become part of ourselves. In the same way, a mirror cannot look into itself and another mirror will only force it into one single perspective. This is also why I believe psychology is nonsensical and borderline scammy. From one perspective, every single human on earth has issues. The only thing missing is a proper rhetoric.

Some say that suicide is an egotistical act, one that insults the living. Traditionally religions opposed to it because they theorized that life is sacred and that only the creator had a say. What was offensive was the power of a human being to take their own life, an act that was only allowed from the divine. Thing is, as we grew intellectually as a species we realized that the religions we came up with are only but our stories, our own narratives to explain our own shortcomings. We are Gods, we always were but afraid to admit it. We created the divine to explain the part of ourselves that was out of reach. We invented souls to fill this pack of bones and flesh with something important.

Life is nothing more that electrical signals with some chemical reactions. This is all we know so far and this is what every piece of experiment shows. We cannot be sad about 1850's because we weren't around back then. We will not be sad, or afraid or or or about 2100's because none of us is going to be around. Some will die from accidents, others from disease, others will take their own life.

And there is nothing wrong with that. It causes pain to the ones around the person but rest assured that a person takes their own life to feel relief. Accepting the act of suicide for what it is — control of an individual's own body — is what matters at the end. The rest of us that keep going don't matter. Our feelings with that person don't matter. Trying to save someone from taking their own life says more about us rather than the other person. We can convince someone to look life from a different perspective (most likely ours) but we won't be doing anything different that religions have been doing for so long. We would have to force a new world view into that person's head, another narrative — most likely more hopeful in order to keep going on with the rest of us.

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