Study options


Well today we'll talk about the education system and how people are being fooled by the system.

You know there are a lot of colleges and universities which are offering a lot of different courses to their students, but there are very few which actually teach them the practical stuff so that when they leave their studies, they could go out in the market and make a living out of it.

There is a conception people have in their minds, especially the parents that if their child becomes a doctor or an Engineer, he would be able to make a good living in the future. Believe me, when I say this, there are more Engineers jobless than a less educated person. This is just a mind game that the more educated one gets, the more he'll earn. But, that's not the case. We need to just think bigger if you see a person who hasn't even been to college, isn't he earning his life?? We should not make it judgmental that higher education, higher living standards.

The majority of the people especially parents always want to make their children a Doctor, an Engineer or an officer just so they can make a good living for themselves. And I know that parents do it for their child's best interest, but you shouldn't force them to be someone they don't want to be. Obviously, if you force them to be let's suppose an Engineer and he becomes an Engineer but he wanted to be an artist, would he be happier in being an artist or an engineer??

There are hundreds of fields out there to choose from and a lot of people do choose depending on their interest. Being a doctor o being an Engineer isn't always necessary, obviously they a high pay rate but self-satisfaction is a thing in life. Some people make money to be more satisfied but some don't want a lot of money, they just want enough to make a living and be good to others. Isn't that what the educations teach us??

Talking about me, I am a Software Engineer, and after almost 20 years of my life spending on getting an education, I've realized that study isn't everything necessary in life. Life itself teaches you things that you don't learn in school or college o university. So, what I think is that e should apart from studying, we should interact with people and try t understand the true meaning of life.

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