How is street entertainment going to survive in Birmingham ? Spring is dead !

With temperatures plummeting to sub zero again this past weekend in the UK because of the Grinch who has stolen our seasons aka - the Beast from the East, it feels like we're crawling to get a glimpse of spring after almost seven months of winter!

This venue and many like it in Birmingham are taking a financial battering - almost empty on a Friday night !

Brand new roof, some comfy seating on the one side, huge socialising space, funky house on the go, outdoor heating (could do with a few more though, 2 was by no means enough for that amount of space, but, holding an ice cold G&T in a plastic cup, we were freezing and thankful for the warmth and the warm glow)!


The handful of people below, were obviously friends of the DJ, and they were bringing in their own cans of beer in full view of the owner!! He must have been in the red that night.

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@alanfreestone and I, under the heaters, still frozen but smiling !

I'm hoping this place get's the temperature rise it needs and people through the door to survive! It would be such a shame to lose a unique venue like this. On a mild spring night or......... even better........ a hot summer's night, it would give the second city, variety !

Bring on the Summer!!!!

Cheers !

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