A walk around Chinatown KL

I enjoy just wandering around with my camera looking for interesting characters and subjects to shoot. I have only lived in KL a couple of years but I'm always drawn to the area around Pasar Seni and Masjid Jamek because of the variety of things to photograph.

Here are a few shots from around Chinatown from a walk I did the other day. I was actually meeting up with a blogger http://www.bazilpatel.com/ and Instagram sensation to take a few shots for his blog about his travels.


But as I was waiting on Bazil I thought I'd go for a wander and take a few street shots. I've see these blind buskers a few times around KL. I think they are interesting characters, so I took a few shots. I did give them a few ringgit for their music too.



One thing I always look out for when shooting in the street is interesting lighting. Like in this shot of these old guys reading their newspapers down one of the narrow lanes. I like they way the light from behind is creating a rim light effect of the guy on the right. This works really well for black and white photography where tone, light and shade are so important.


Similarly in this shot of the old guy selling flowers, the contrasty light really makes the shot for me. Some people say you should shoot early morning or late afternoon when the light is softer, which is generally true. But sometimes shooting in the middle of the day in harsh light can be effective too as it can add a bit of drama.


The thing I really love about Chinatown in KL is there are all these narrow back lanes with markets and food stalls. There are always interesting things to see and photograph.




Anyway I hope you enjoyed this little photo share. I have some more at https://gerryfox1.wixsite.com/gerryfox-asia

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