faithful and wrong

There was a king in Anakopia, many people were subject to him, and he loved each of his subjects. About the faithful servant, he usually said this:
"No matter how I offended him, he does not change me, being true in nature; I will make the wrong one faithful, showering him with favors.
As time went. The infidel did not become faithful, but the faithful became unfaithful. Enemies rose against the king.
The king could no longer remain in his hereditary kingdom and fled to a foreign country. Both ran with him, both a faithful servant and an unfaithful.
The tsar had to stay for a long time in a foreign land; he therefore fell into extreme need; and it cost him to entrust something to an unfaithful servant, as he began to reproach him:

  • What do I need your mercies, I left my home and country, accompanying you, and you still make me run where you want.
    But when the tsar ordered something to the faithful servant, he performed everything without question.
    Some more time passed, and the Tsar's affairs turned so badly that he seemed to be no longer of any salvation.
    A faithful servant reported:
  • You are forced to live in a foreign land, your riches are exhausted, you have nothing left. Sell ​​me and what you do, feed the rest.
    The king was sad and did not agree to this. However, he had no other choice, and he still sold the faithful servant and spent the money earned for him.
    A faithful servant, who voluntarily sold himself and was separated from the king, fled and came back to his lord.
    And every time the king was in need, he sold the faithful servant at his own free will, and he ran away and again came to his master.
    Times are changeable: the king returned to his kingdom and began to reign.
    He did not show any honor to a faithful servant, and even took his estate from him, and the infidel generously endowed, "because," he said, "he is a manly and active man, but this one is weak and cowardly."
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