Cowardice 23

It's now 19:45 in Thantalla, compared to Earth has 20 more hours in a day. That makes 44 hours a day fro Thantalla. The weather isn't the same as well. In Earth, night is colder than day but in this reality it's the opposite. Thus it will make you think that it's not comfortable to sleep at night but in actuality the trolls enjoy it.

For these trolls, hot is more comfortable than cold. Maybe this is the work of what they call adaptation. But who know, in this novel, commons sense and knowledge means nothing.

What is the meaning of this?" Adolash says to the troops that was after Abadanggo.

Abadanggo is a servant in the troll fortress, he serves for the warlord directly. Adolash knows Abadanggo personally and they consider each other as friends.

"Master Adolash, your father has ordered us to capture AB-3147" , a trooper tells Adolash.

"Capture? Why?"

"We don't have the authority to answer and ask such questions"

"What if I say otherwise?", Adolash loads his hands with black magic.

The platoon leader of the troops looks at another troll and shooks his head. "We understand, we will just tell your father"

"Thank you", Adolash said to the troops before leaving the site.

"Abadanggo, what happened? You're bleeding"

"Adolash, you need to leave, your father is after you."

"What? That's unbelievable. why didn't the troops attacked me?"

"I don't know either, but he ordered me to kill you, when I said 'no', he ordered the troops to kill me instead"

"We need to go to the hospital"

"No, we can't, we don't have time, we need to..." Abadanggo's sentence has been interrupted cause Adolash attacked him to collapse. Adolash was thinking of nothing but to send Abadanggo in a hospital.

Adolash brings Abadanggo in a hospital. The hospital was filled with patients this time cause of an outbreak that happened recently. Well, the epidemic has already been suppressed so there is no need to worry right now.

Adolash left Abadanggo and started to walk in the hospital corridor to reach the exit. He was still confused of the incident and was still thinking when...

A wall beside Adolash collapsed. The wall collapsed cause of a blow, a big can of armor with a big rapier strikes the wall that made it collapse.

Adolash involuntary sits cause of the impact done to the wall. Some dust got caught in Adolash's eyes and so, he wipes it off.

When Adolash was able to see again, he was surprised with what he saw.

"Fla Jih"

It's another troll that Adolash knows personally. Fla Jih strikes his rapier to Adolash but Adolash reacts by kicking the rapier to it's side. The rapier's strike has then diverted.

Adolash makes a follow up move by doing a somersault king on the hands of Fla Jih that made Fla Jih drop his weapon.

"Fla Jih, stop this" Adolash loads his hands with magic.

Fla Jih stops for a moment and looks to Adolash.

"I don't really want to hurt you"

"Then what is this?"

Your father promised me a big land of my own, money and a good position in the kingdom, I really need it Adolash, I'm sorry"

"What?! You mother fucker?!", Adolash replies with a really popular cursing and throws a ball of magic to Fla Jih, Fla Jih flicks his rapier by kicking it's handle to rise up and hold it. He then strikes the ball of magic thrown to him, repeling the attack and do nothing.

"You know that my gears are anti magic, right?", Fla Jih points out his advantage with a brag.

Adolash charges with his glowing fists, Fla Jih Counters with a crosswise hit, it misses with Adolash's fast reflexes by jumping above the attack. Then Adolash attacks with a double kick right in the chest of Fla Jih.

"Sheeek", Fla jih's boots skids the ground cause of the attack Adolash did. The double kick did no damage to Fla Jih and saw an opening to attack while Adolash is still airborne cause from his last attack.

Fla Jih sets an attack to a full strike coming from above his head downwards, there is no way Adolash could dodge it.

But Adolash releases two balls of magic from both his hands, one hits the face armor of Fla Jih and the other one hits the ground.

"Poom", two snapped explosions was produced by Adolash's counter. The ball of magic that hits the ground made Adolash go up a little that made the attack of Fla Jih to just graze his clothing. The counter strategy was perfect, change the direction of fall and limit the vision of the attacker.

Fla Jih's sword hits the ground, that miss didn't only missed the moment of kill but also made the rapier be stuck on ground.

Adolash then holds to Flajih's large arm and uses the arm to be his source of 'spring force'. Again, Adolash attacks with a double kick but this time he hits the head. And this time, his feet is armed with magic.

"Ack!", the double kick hurts Fla Jih. The double kick was strong that it removes Fla Jih's helmet.

"Tak, tak, tak", the sound it made when Fla Jih's helmet dropped far cause of Adolash's attack.

But the follow up attack Adolash did was faster that it hits right before the helmet makes the sounds of it's drop with a big ball of magic right on Fla Jih's exposed head.

The last attack made to Fla Jih made him go down by his knees. Adolash then points his hands loaded with magic right on Fla Jih's head.

"You had grown so much Adolash, you are no longer that kid that used to watch me when I was practicing"


"Now, make me proud, kill me like how I taught you"

"No, it shouldn't be like that, You're my brother Fla Jih"

"He, he, he, you don't get it Adolash, the real people who shares the same blood with you are the ones that wants this"


Then a group of troll troops came. They were after Adolash.

this work is a fictional work, any relation to the real world or any events are pure coincidence
everything in this blog are mine, you can use the drawing if you want, I don't mind

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