Story time- worst service ever

So last night my hubby and I decided to go to the panarotti's at the mall for pizza... generally we really love going but last night was a mistake...

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To give you an idea about how bad the service was, let me first explain how it generally goes with good service...

You show up, they show you to a table, on the table you have plates that are neatly stacked with napkins and cutlery. You are given your menu and you order ... your drinks come accompanied with straws and if you have the eat as much pizza, the waiters walk around the tables, offering you slices of pizza from the moment you sit down until you are done. Within an hour you have eaten enough to feel like you can roll out of the shop.


Now the way last night went... we were escorted to a table... nothing was on the table so we assumed they just cleared it and would be bringing clean plates soon, so we order the pizza special and our drinks... after 20mins, we still had no plates so we ask another waiter if he would mind getting us some plates, that is exactly what we got. Just plates... no napkins or cutlery, nope just plates...

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Our waiter shows up with our drinks 15 mins later, no straws. Now I don't know about you guys but I don't like drinking out of glasses at restaurants without straws... so I ask for one.... half an hour later still no straw, and we have only been offered one slice of pizza... on the floor there are 2 waiters walking around serving people, everyone else was behind the counter...

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Finally I received my straw and I could start drinking my milkshake that had now turned to milk... after 15 more mins of us waiting for food and being there for almost an hour, my hubby decided that it was enough and went to talk to the manager. The manager apologized and didn't charge us for the drinks or the single slice of pizza and we left... it's a shame really, the pizza slice we had was delicious.

Now having been a waiter myself when I was younger, I know that when a place is really busy things can take some time... but taking half an hour to bring someone a straw is inexcusable... especially since our waiter was never serving anything on the floor from the moment we arrived...

Well that's enough ranting for now. Enjoy your day everyone.


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