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Surrendered - Episode One

  "Didi, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now, and it just has to be done today" Craig went on one knee and became serious. "Okay . . . what is this about?" She drawled.   

So here they were, only a few months away from their big day, excited and all. Finally, the months of waiting that had seemed to drag on forever were coming to an end. Just a few hours ago they had been to La Belle, sampling their options for the wedding reception. Craig had suggested they stop at a nearby restaurant to cool off and Didi chose The Wonder Place. How could she not? With the alluring memories it held. This was where Craig had been smart enough to put a ring on her finger. If anything, she would never forget the smug grin that plastered his face and how he kept blushing furiously from ear to ear. Her shy Craig . . .   

"Didi, I just want to thank you for being an amazing woman". As Craig's voice carted her back to reality, she smiled. "Sweet you always say that. Did you have to go on your knees? I even thought you wanted to give me the dramatic proposal I've always wanted" Didi teased him with dreamy eyes. Craig smiled a little, then he continued. 


"Before you, love was just a mushy feeling. You taught me commitment, sacrifice, everything I know about..." "Sweet would you please just sit? This kneeling thingy is getting me cranked up" she urged, but Craig remained adamantly unmoving.   

"Please forgive me for bringing this up now. Know that I love you with all the love I can afford" then after a long pause that seemed like forever, Craig added "Didi Love is not enough. We can't get married".   

"Whaaaat? You want to postpone the wedding?" She gasped. "We've already sent out the I.Vs and in bulk! What's the issue? Wait you think we can't meet up the budget by next month?" a tensed Didi probed. They had both temporarily forgotten that he was still on his knee.   

"Didi" his voice hoarsened. "We are not getting married. Not next month, not ever. I'm sorry" he hastened as his voice trailed off.   

"Craig" Didi called out absentmindedly. She gripped the edge of the table for fear of falling as the world spun and sped past her. Some things were better left as lines in a movie script. Didi stared away into space as all the buildup of joy faded from her cheeks like the receding of quiet waters. Didi watched as the room grew dark. She picked up a familiar scent but the memory was hazy. Gradually she softened her grip and felt her eyes moisten as she stood, groping through her glistening darkness, determined to find her way out. . .      

When he heard the shuffling footsteps, Craig summoned courage to look up. He was not prepared for the sight he saw and it took all the discipline in the world to restrain him from breaking down in tears. As she walked out in confused strides, Craig felt a part of him yanked out. What followed was a pain so intense that he unconsciously clutched at his heart. He drank in crisp biting air in long turns suppressing the powerful emotions as he slowly made his way to the car.    

Craig slumped onto the driver's seat blinded by hot tears and decided that he could take it no more. He locked himself in, wound up the glass and then hell broke loose. For the first time since receiving the rude shock, he gave in to himself and wept. They were angry confused heartbreaking tears. As the tears came rolling came the memories and more tears.

When the fountain of his tears had dried up, Craig put the key in ignition and revved the car. Suddenly, he felt a light tap on his right shoulder. He turned and froze. She was sitting there . . .   

(To be continued tomorrow)

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