The Writer: Tips to Develop Voice & Style


  To achieve success in writing fiction you must develop your own voice and style. Without voice and style your work will be dull. Voice is the way you put words together to tell a story, style it’s the way you write.  

  New writers struggle with voice and style and don’t realize it. When they write they hear it in their head and read it on paper and it is all good, and yet to the reader it’s incoherent, jumbled, and confusing. The reason is new writers haven’t learned the proper guidelines or installed the correct habits that can only be discovered and corrected through countless hours of writing. It is for that reason why voice and style evolves as you learn the tricks of the trade. The more you write the more developed your voice and style will grow.   

  Below are 3 Tips (Golden Rules) to develop voice and style. The tips are crucial and need to be employed in your writing.    

3 Golden Rules  

  1. Cut Clutter
  2. Keep it Simple
  3. Think like a Writer

1. Cut Clutter   

The Golden Rule: Never use two words where one word will do

  Your writing must be direct, concise and to the point. Never beat around the bush. If you can cut a word out without hurting structure then cut it out, it wasn’t needed. Your goal is to tell a story as direct as possible. It makes reading easier to follow, brings the reader into the action, and better conveys emotion.  

  The rule of thumb is simple, Omit Needless Words. New writers often have this false belief once a draft is done they must add words because it isn’t long enough. This is especially true if the story falls under a certain word count that a publisher or agent requires. Disregard this idea. It is corrupt and flawed. Stephen King’s the novel ‘It’ isn’t a thousand pages long because he had a plan to make it a thousand pages. No. The novel ‘It’ is a thousand pages because that is how many words it took to tell the story. That’s it, and nothing more. Most likely Stephen King cut out 10 to 15% of total word count during the editing phase. Never add words if there is nothing wrong with the plot and story structure, its amateurish and sure way to pile on the rejections.  

  As in everything you want to master, you must practice and study. You have to train your mind to be direct and to the point when you write. It takes time. The more you read and write the idea to never use two words where one word will do, will become second nature as you evolve as a writer. The purpose of cutting out words is to create speed and tempo to better convey ideas, actions, and emotions, to allow the reader to better understand and enjoy the story. You should tell your story as smooth and direct as possible.   


Example 1: (Wrong)

“Dan is here at the present time,” Mary said.  

Example 2: (Correct)

“Dan is here now,” said Mary   

Note: Take note that Example 2 conveyed the same meaning with less words, three words less that Example 1. The other three words were not needed for the reader to know where Dan was. Never say more than necessary.    

  1. Example 3: (Wrong)

  Karen rushed and ran inside the house and ran into the bathroom, rushed to the toilet and hung her head over the commode and vomited.    

Example 4: (Correct)

  Karen rushed in the house to her bathroom and hung her head over the commode and vomited.   

Note: In Example 3 it took twenty five words to describe a scene that only took seventeen words in Example 4. Notice the speed difference. Even though both sentence conveyed the same meaning, example 4 was quicker to describe the scene. There is no reason to keep reminding the reader that Karen is rushing, the reader knows, the sense of urgency was conveyed at the being of the scene.   

  Take note in example 3 the word ‘ran’ was used three different times, and notice In example 4 the word ‘rushed’ was used once at the beginning of sentence and the reader knew Karen was in a rush even though no other mention of running or rushing was in the scene. The writer didn’t have to, the mood was established in beginning, and the reader knew Karen was rushing. The scene is direct, simple and to the point. Example 4 cut out all needless words, and only left the words needed to convey the scene.    

Example 5: (Wrong)

It inspires me to research them and learn from them.    

Example 6: (Correct)

It inspires me to research and learn from them.   

Note: In Example 5 the word ‘them’ was use twice. It wasn’t needed. It slowed the pace of the sentence. In Example 6 by deleting ‘them’ after ‘research’ simplified the sentence making it easier to read.     

Omit needless words.
Use the least amount of words as possible to tell your story.

  Cut as much clutter a possible as you write. Once you get into the habit, your writing will take on a whole new life and become easier, and you will look back on your old stories and realize those stories weren’t so good after all. But that’s the point. It’s evidence of growth as a writer. You are learning tricks of the trade and finding what is working for you. Even the rare talents like Steven King had to learn the process to cut out the clutter.   

Formula (Editing): 2nd draft = 1st draft – 10% (The second draft should be at least 10% less in total word count than the first draft.)

2. Keep it Simple.    

The Golden Rule: Never use big and fancy words.

  Never use big and fancy words; the logic behind this idea is flawed. It slows the pace of the story. And yet new writers think they have to use big fancy words to show their intelligence, when in reality it pegs you as an amateur. You do not want the reader to stop and think about the words meaning, spelling, etc. It slows down the story. You goal is to entertain, create excitement, and entice the reader to turn the page.   

  It is best to use the simplest and most direct word you can find. The simplest words are usually the most direct words. Most people are average spellers, meaning most books sold are bought by average spellers. In fact most writers are average spellers. And most people do not use big fancy words when they talk on day to day basis. Ninety percent of all conversation between two people uses the simplest and most direct of words.  

  As you write your story usually the first word that comes to mind is the right word. The word popped up in your mind because your brain found the simplest, direct word for the meaning you desired. Simple and direct words use the path of least resistance, creating a smooth flow for the reader to follow along.   


Example 1: (Wrong)

“I reside on Perry Street,” Matt said.    

Example 2: (Correct)

“I live of Perry Street,” Matt said.   

Note: In Examples above the word ‘reside’ was replaced with the ‘live’. Ninety percent of all English speaking people do not use ’reside’ when ask where they live. Why? Because it is one of those words you must think about before you speak it. On the other, the word ’live’ comes into mind without second thought. It is simple to speak and simple use, a path of lest resistance.    

Example 3: (Wrong)

“The bum was imploring for my money,” Matt said vigorously.    

Example 4: (Correct)

“The bum was begging for my money,” Matt said.    

Example 5: (Correct/ Even      Better)

“The bum begged me for money,” Matt said.   

Note: The word ‘imploring’ was replaced with ‘begging’.  And ‘vigorously’ was cut out all together, it was a needless adverb. Never use adverbs if you can help it, and if you do have to use an adverb it should only be when no other word will work. I have never heard a person in my life say the words ‘imploring’ or ‘vigorously’ or even read those words in novels.  

  Notice in Example 5 the word ‘was’ deleted, and ‘begging’ changed to ’begged’. The word ‘my’ was deleted, and the word ‘me’ added after ‘begged’ making the sentence sound more natural. Just by cutting a few words and rearranging a few words, the sentence is easier to read and the message conveyed was simple and direct.   

Keep In Mind!
Create a smooth flow for the reader to follow along

3. Think like a Writer  

The Golden Rule: Your voice and style is your I.D Card as a writer.

  Perfecting voice and style is confusing for new writers, and for good reason, they have yet to learn the tricks of the trade. You will never perfect voice or style if you do not learn to cut clutter and keep things simple as possible. Only through study, reading, and countless hours of writing can voice and style be developed, and you will never master it until you learn to think like a writer. Once a writer is at their desk they look to complete their task as simple and direct as possible. You must ask yourself, “What is the simplest way to tell the story?”     

  Writers must be aware of these aspects, if not, you will not know the mistakes  you are making and cause huge frustration in the editing stage, it will feel as if you are rewriting the story over again. Once you learn to think like a writer and use the shortest path to tell your story the editing stage will be easier, and the magic will happen and your story will be polished and shine.    

  The rule is, the more you write the more aware you become, and as you evolve, the simple and direct mindset will become second nature. When it becomes second nature and given without thought, in most cases you have developed your voice and your own style will take root.    

  In the beginning of your writing journey the editing stage will consist of a lot of rewriting, but that’s OK. Every writer must go through that process. By going through the process you learn the mistakes to avoid. The more you go through the process the less rewrites and drafts you will go through. Only by going through the process can you develop voice and style.    

Note: It may take a couple of drafts of novels, multiple short stories, and several years to get a solid foundation for your voice and style. And it must be your own unique voice and style. No one else sounds like you, because no one else thinks like you. Once voice is developed style will be planted and fans will know your work just by the way the story is told.    

The Golden Rule: Your voice and style is your I.D Card as a writer.


Voice and Style can only be developed through experience.

  The three Golden Rules are the most important in developing voice and style. Take time and apply to your writing. Find the easiest and simplest way to tell your story. Readers don’t like to read more words than necessary. A reader is taking time out their day to read your story, take up as less time as possible telling your story. It will make the story more exciting.     

  Never force words in a story to increase word count. If it only took ten thousand words to tell your story, than so be it. A lot of new writers often write manuscripts ranging around to fifty to sixty thousand words, and after doing some research they discover that an editor or agent requires a minimum eighty thousand words for audience they wrote for. Disappointed the writer goes back adding words to make the story longer, only to discover they created a cluttered mess. Do not do that. Not all stories are meant to be novel length. As you grow as a writer you will learn different methods and outlining techniques to help you reach a target word count.    

  I have made this mistake, and ruined a perfectly good fifty thousand word story. I spent hours on hours adding words to get the story to eighty thousand words, and when I reread the story it was so hard to read I never finished reading and its been sitting on my shelf ever since. All I did was add thirty thousand words of needless clutter. I learned a very important lesson. If there is nothing wrong with the plot or story structure, and everything conveys the message in a smooth transition from beginning to end do not add words, chapters, paragraphs, sentences, etc.     

  Making mistakes is OK. Sometimes the best way to learn is through trail and error. Learning from mistakes allows you to grow as a writer. The more you write smoother the process will be. If there is no growth in your writing and mindset then you are not trying, and have no reason to ever write another story. Writing is about growth, passion, imagination, and experience. Covet your writing. Cherish it and love it. Plant the seed. Cultivate and learn the skills so it can grow and become a tree, let the roots dig deep in the earth to create a solid foundation to build your writing career on. Nurture your writing, and always seek to be the best you can be.     

  Remember to cut out the clutter and be simple and direct, and everything will flow in smooth patterns and transitions. Words, thoughts, fingers; everything should be on the path of least resistance. It’s a lot of work and studying, but once learned, experience gained, and proper habits embedded the craft of writing will become second nature, and by that time your voice should be well developed, and your personal style created.   

To be a Pro is to a have a fully Developed Voice and Style

Finale Thought

  You could read a thousand tips and tricks in books and blogs and voice and style can ever be learned over night. To develop style is to put words to paper. You have to write thousands and thousands of words. Style is created only through trail and error, discovering what works for you and what doesn’t. You have to learn the guideline and tricks of the trade, and read hundreds of books. Understand that voice and style is intimate; it’s your personal touch on sentence and paragraph structure, mood, tone, vocabulary, and much more. It’s your intimate touch over the whole process; therefore voice and style can only be developed by the experience you gain as you grow as a writer. It is for that reason why you must have great passion for the Craft of Writing.   

If you lack passion you will lack style.

  Keep the three Golden Rules in mind if you ever want to move to the next level. Study, read, and write to develop voice and style to move from an amateur stage. Every great writer has mastered the Golden Rules mentioned in this article. Believe in yourself, and your abilities. You can develop and master the craft. You can create something that is uniquely your own. Love the journey and the experience gained. Nurture your passion, and write. 

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