Science Fiction Micro Contest #MicroCiFi256-Week 5-CYCLE: Have you ever dreamt it?


Cycle: have you ever dreamt it?


Humanity is a mistake of countless attempts, parallel worlds, millions of universes, in one white, another black, here light brown. Turn a cigar, am I going to die? If they knew that there is a future after death, we can die a little and feel the next life, from the Big-Bang We exercise the theory of Eternal return, matter is the transmutation of energy, and both are not destroyed, transformed, changed, as the different States: Solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma, and finite dimensions present in: width, length and depth adding a temporary, after? The fifth, who ascend to it have the opportunity to return, why not do it?, answers why reborn in error after rejoicing in perfection? You have dreamed of penetrating into a world recreated by you, defying the physical laws mocking human logic; appear in a floor without stairs or elevator, stay in a room without entry or exit, be able to leave whenever you want, see a box without angles, a circle only, a rectangle of 5 sides, the geometry fantasized How to smell the colors, see the sounds, feel the space and the Sound is the new touch. Yesterday I dreamt of being a plant, the day before an animal, today a thinking, tomorrow will I be a butterfly or a cloud? Then I felt to be a small sun, a fragrant sunshine of energy, peace, calm, tranquillity, I am in any place, hour, on Earth or Venus simultaneously, to be nothing and all, to become the music of the third movement of moonlight; Energy, birth, living, dying, fifth. Repeated endless cycle.


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