He was the wrong Choice (Chapter2)

He was the wrong choice

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up the next day, I slowly grabbed my phone turned off the alarm and tugged out of bed. Bonnie was still fast asleep, I knelt down by the corner of the bed and said a little prayer before walking into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

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I walked out of the bathroom, applied lotion on my face then i opened the wardrobe so I could select the clothes that Bonnie would wear for work. I picked out a navy blue office suit, a white shirt and blue tie and neatly placed them on the bed before walking out.

I walked out of the bedroom and went straight to the kitchen where I started heating his bathing water as I prepared his breakfast.
"Winnie" I heard him call out a few minutes later, I stopped what I was doing and rushed to the room knowing he would get upset if I delayed in answering.

"Morning Babe" I smiled when I walked into the room
"Where is my water" He asked ignoring my greeting
"Let me get if for you" I hurried out of the room to the kitchen, switched off the stove and carried the big pot I had boiled his water from. After pouring his water in a dish, I walked out of the room and found him texting on his phone. Whoever he was talking to must have made him happy I could tell by grin on his face.
"Water for bathing is ready baby" I said kneeling besides him. He abruptly stood up, pushed me aside and went the bathroom.

I checked under the bed for his shoes and polished them before rushing out to check on what I was making for breakfast.

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"Winnie" He called out again as I was setting the table
"Babe You called" I asked standing by the door. "Help me with the tie" He commanded, I moved closer to him helped with his tie and shoes and went back to what I was doing.

He walked out of the room a few minutes later and as usual he was happily talking on the phone.
"I will pick you up at 7 be good for me" He said before cutting the call, I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall of my eyes as I pulled his chair so he could sit down.
I dished up for him and went to the living room so I could start cleaning up. The house wasn't dirty, I knew I would get done with everything In an hour's time.
"Aren't you joining me for breakfast?" He asked to my surprise and his.
"You want me to eat with you?" I asked not sure I had heard him answer correctly
"Yes Winnie I thought I was loud enough"

I smiled as I dished up for myself, Bonnie and I rarely ate together and the fact he wanted to eat with me that morning made me happy. We ate quietely and as soon as Bonnie was done, he pecked my cheek and left for work.
That day as I cleaned the house I was in a Happy mood, i kept singing and dancing in between. It wasn't everyday that my husband treated me nicely much worse kiss me good bye before walking out.
By the time it was 10 hours I was done with all the house chores, I took a bath and sat down to watch one of my favourite TV shows- The voice as I sipped on my Red wine.

Since I was just a housewife and Bonnie and I had no kids together, i Usually spent my time watching TV, drinking or going out with friends during the day.
My only daughter Kimberly was in the Copperbelt staying with my Uncle. I had her before meeting Ben, he had accepted her like his own child at first but after he changed his attitude towards me, I thought it wise to send her to my uncle's.

I put my wine glass on the table when I heard my phone ringing, i had left it in my room, by the time I got there it had already cut. I picked it up and called back.

"Boi sorry I missed your call nenze ku siti" I answered as soon as Mandie picked up
"Where else if not home?"
"Okay I will be picking you in the next few minutes" She said and hang up before I could protest.

I didn't feel like going out but I knew Mandie would not take no for an answer, so I quickly opened my closet and pulled out a blue Jean,a white vest and a blazer. I applied Blue magic in my hair and combed it backwards.

I looked at myself in the mirror after applying some make up, I still looked good even though my husband hardly noticed me. I got my phone and took a few selfies which I posted on Facebook. I rushed out as soon as I heard a knock at the door.

"Kuchedwa kusegula Boi, baliko ba Bonnie?" She teased
"Ba Bonnie pa nyumba this time? Ni maloza" I laughed
"You look good weh" She complimented
"You don't look bad yourself"
"Let's have a little girl's adventure" She said as she drove us to Levy Mall. We started our day by watching a movie, we settled for "Pitch Perfect". It was one of my favourites movies and it enjoyed it too much, afterwards we had lunch at KFC before going for a little shopping spree.
I had so much fun with Mandie, I didn't even keep track of time, we left town around 17. There was too much traffic I kept praying Bonnie wasn't yet home. I got home past 18:30, I got the plastic bags of clothes Mandie had bought me, got out of the car and waved at her. I noticed Ben's car in the drive way as I walked in. I didn't know why he was home so early but I knew I was in trouble.

I unlocked the door as my hands trembled, I walked to the living room and there he was watching Television while Driving.
" Baby you are home Early? " I smiled at him trying to be calm.
"Where did you go?"
"I went out with Mandie" I sighed " I am sorry there was too much traffic hence I am late, what time did you get back?"
"And those plastics in your hands?"
"Oh these?" Mandie bought me some clothes while doing her own shopping.
"What do you take me for?"
"What do you mean?"
"You think I am a fool?"
"Don't babe me, I know you went out to see your boyfriends"
"How can you say that?"
"Is that what you do when I am not home? Gallivanting around town like a harlot? Look how tight your jeans are? And that blazer look how it shapes your boobs, did you dress like that to attract men?"

"Babe come on, you know I would never cheat on you, I just lost track of time"
"You are a married woman and as such you must have self respect, you can't do as you please"
"I am sorry it won't happen again" I whispered
"And that Mandie woman, I don't want her anywhere near you"
"Can't I have friends now? "
Mandie and I had been friends since our high school days, she was the closest friend i had, most of my friends had stopped hanging out with me because of Bonnie's behaviour.
"Did you just question my orders?"

"I was just asking"
"You now have Guts to stand up to me huh?" He yelled throwing the wine glass at me so hard that it broke on my face, leaving a deep cut on my forehead.
"Bonnie" I screamed out in pain.

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