He was the wrong choice(Chapter 10 Sequel to the Divorce Of love champions)

The ultimate killer

I woke up in my bed gasping for air, my heart was pounding and my neck was badly hurting. As I sat up I remembered what happened. Bonnie strangled the air out of me till I passed out. What sort of devil had entered him? I thought as I tried sitting up. Just then Bonnie walked in.
"You are up?" He exclaimed. I stared at him and tears immediately started pouring from my eyes. He walked to the bed and tried touching me but I wouldn't let him lay his hands on me.
"I am sorry I didn't know what came over me, maybe its the alcohol, I didn't mean to hurt you." He said.
"Just leave me alone okay? You should have killed me when you had the chance." I said between sobs. He looked at me with shame written in his eyes before walking out. That night he didn't even come to bed and I didn't care where he slept.
"God I am so tired of crying for this man, this is the last time I will seriously shed tears for him, I don't care anymore what happens to him." I said wiping tears from my eyes.


A week later I called my auntie and narrated what had been occurring at home the previous days and she told me to be prayerful as usual.

I wanted to leave but she encouraged be to stay because leaving would mean opening room for another woman to ocuppy my house.
"But auntie this man will kill me one of these days."
"Winnie the devil is at work you need to be prayerful. Leaving should be the last thing on your mind."
"Okay auntie there Is a knock at the door let me get back to you later." I lied because I didn't want to continue talking with her.
"But I hope you have heard what I have told you, don't you dare leave, marriage is not always a bed of roses, we all have our own battles, do you think we would we still have married couples around if we each left after a few trials?"
"I have heard auntie, greet Uncle, Kim and the kids."
"I will, pass my regards to your husband." She said before hanging up. How many times shall I pray? How many times will I go to church? What's the whole point? I thought as I sat in my living room.
"I think its time to live a little." I told my self as an idea crossed my mind.
I stood up and walked into my room, took a quick bath, changed into a backless baige jumpsuit and nude heels. Applied some make up and combed my hair backwards before heeding out. I needed to make a few changes in my life maybe Bonnie would begin to take me serious. He had given me his card the previous week so I decided to treat myself to some shopping.

I was never really a fun of shopping neither was I a heavy spender most times Bonnie would leave his card with me and I would not spend any money from it unless need arises. But this day I was itching to spend a lot of money on myself.
I booked a Taxi to Levy Mall where I bought a whole lot of clothes, after wards I went to one of the salons in town owned by my friend and did my hair and when I was satisfied with my new look, I called the Taxi driver to pick me up. I didn't feel like cooking that day so I bought Bonnie and I some take aways.
When I got home Bonnie wasn't yet back, I placed my handbag on the table in the living room and took everything I had bought to our bedroom. I placed the food I had bought on the dining table before taking a short bath. When I was done I wore one of the dress I bought, it was a body hugging dress that hung perfectly to my body exposing my curves. I applied my make up and got my heels and went back to the living room.
I removed some bottles of beer from the fridge placed them on the table turned on the music and started drinking. I was twirling my hips from side to side and shaking my body as Despacito played. I felt free and alive, I was so deep into the song, dancing and singing along while sipping on my beer that I didn't even notice what time Bonnie walked in. I only noticed when the room became quiet.
"And then?" He stared at me for a while before uttering any words.
"What's the meaning of this Winnie? Isn't it too late for you to be playing music that loud Huh?"
"What has gotten into you? Woman?" He shook me when I didn't respond to him.
"And where did you go? Look at how you are dressed and that new hairstyle who are you trying to impress?" He asked as he looked at me from head to toe.

"I think I will go to bed now, i had a busy and hectic day." I carried my handbag and heels in my hands before walking out on him. I almost laughed because I knew he was fuming with anger. He walked into our room just as I was getting undressed, I was tispy and i didn't want any drama. When I was completely naked he walked over to me and tried to touch me but I moved away, pulled some pyjamas and wore them before getting on the bed.
He walked out of the room and I got my phone and started chating with some old friends. He walked back a few minutes ago with the food I had served in his hands.
"Take aways? Like seriously, you can't even have time to cook for me?"
"I was busy Bonnie."
"Who are you chatting with?"
"Friends! Any problem?"

"No," He responded before walking out of the room again. I placed my phone back on the table and closed my eyes so I could get some sleep, I was almost dozing when Bonnie joined me in bed, he tried touching me and I moved. He tried wrapping his arms around me and I stood from the bed.
"What now?"
"I am tired, will you allow me sleep in peace or I should move to the guest room?"
"Winnie what's all this? Now you don't want to be intimate with me?"
"I am tired maybe some other time." He clicked his tongue and got out of the bed.
"I will be in the living room." He said. He walked out loudly banging the door. I burst out laughing before getting back in bed and drifted off to dream land as I thought of divorce in my dreams.


What becomes of this marriage, that once was the pride of its people? Seat back and watch as more drama unfolds

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