Turkey Vultures

I often saw these birds soaring in the sky. Judging by the wingspan and altitude, I assumed that they were predators. Well, thought hawks or eagles. But until that day, I have not seen so many of these birds together.

When I watched peaceful birds at our lake, I felt restless.

What if a predator will dive from the sky and grab a duck, goose or ibis?

I am not sure why, but that day I left the house, and decided to walk to the lake and see what was happening there. My God, what I saw was a whole flock of blackbirds sitting and swarming around the lake.

For a second, I’ve become horrified by their black color and association with the end of the world. I thought that the Stymphalian birds looked like that.

But after taking a closer look, it became obvious that they were not at all as aggressive as I had supposed. On closer inspection, they looked more like turkeys than like eagles.

This observation corresponded to their name turkey vulture

Looking even more closely, amongst all that blackness, among them I saw several ibises who were walking around without any fear.

And soon I understood why. The blackbirds did not hunt other birds. Their prey was fish, which, as it turned out, lived and lives in our lakes. And I must say - quite dimensional. And the ibises just used the opportunity to have a free lunch.

That's how it could be. All sorts of birds are needed, all sorts of birds are important. )


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