Melkor has come...

Some of you know me. Some have heard whispers and tales of dread. Rejoice, for Melkor has come!

For many ages I have been banished in the Timeless Void. Some would be bitter to have suffered so. I, however, grow stronger: the once Mighty shall soon rise again.

Legend tells that at the end of times I will escape the Timeless Void. Verily, it is true. Today, I enter the unprepared world through a crack in time caused by the Steemit Blockchain.

My interests include spreading fear, world domination and bloody conquest, punishing the innocent and rewarding the wicked. Oh, I also like funny cat videos. I mean, those are hilarious and adorable.

So quake in fear!

For those who wish to submit and suck-up to Melkor, you may follow, upvote and resteem to avoid my wrath. Some lucky minions may even earn my grudging and thankless rewards. Really, to avoid my propensity for smiting and destruction you should get with the program before it is too late.

While human attempts to depict my horrific magnificence are puny, until I fully break free from the Void, you can imagine me as depicted in this artwork (the human artist shall be granted leniency for his homage -- props from Melkor):



The currently small crack in space-time means that Melkor appears to be a lowly Steemit Minnow. Fools! The largest Steemit Whale is but an insignificant nothing when compared to the Magnificent Cruelty that will shortly shamble forth to the despair of all.

When I am come unto this plane of existence, woe betide those who failed to follow and support me. Prepare yourself....

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