In Corruption We Trust...

I am Melkor, the Corrupter. Throughout the age of man I have used such simple tools to infect your hearts and bind your wicked souls to mine.

At first, I come to you as a simple thought that you believe is your own. This is a trick you puny humans fall for over and over again. Melkor simply projects his will and these tiny poisons drift through space and time searching for those willing to ingest the venom, of their own free will.

Your detestable politicians and celebrities are among my hosts. I grant them power in exchange for their eternal corruption and fealty. And, what do you do? You flock to them like moths to the flame. It is so glorious. Nothing can stop my plan!

Soon, all around you will wither and die. It is already too late, and you don't even know it. I can even tell you what is coming and your minds will simply drift back to your safe spaces and take comfort in your narcissistic celebrities' false charms or the feigned wisdom of the political class.

At the end of times Melkor will shamble forth from The Void and harvest my prize. I am coming....


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