Beautiful Birds in bangladesh

Bangladesh is a beautiful country. Birds have increased country's natural beauty. We sleep at night and rise early in morning hearing the sweet chirping of different birds. There are different types of bird in our country. They are different in color, sizes and habit. Doyel, House Sparrow, Green Bee-eater, Machranga, Pigeon and Dove etc are some popular birds in Bangladesh. The crow is a teasing bird. It is very common bird in Bangladesh. Birds is a beauty of nature. It helps natural ecosystem to run well

Bangladesh is a favorite homeland of a great variety of birds. The names of all kinds of birds are not even known to us. We go to bed with the songs of birds at nigh and wake up again with the songs of birds in the morning. They are found flying, singing and chirping up and down from dawn to dusk.

there are many varieties of birds in Bangladesh. They are different in color, size and habit. Some are white, some are black some are green and some are red. Some are small and some are big. Some are beautiful and some are ugly. Some are wild and some are domestic. Some have sweet voice and some have harsh voice. Their food habits are also different.

the biers which are capable of singing are called singing birds. The Doel, the Krakatau, the magpie robin and the cuckoo are the singing birds. The cuckoo is the most popular singing bird in our country. It is called the harbinger of spring. It pours out its sweet notes hiding itself behind the leaves of tress. The magpie robin is small but pretty. It sings and raises its tail at the same time. The Doel is our national bird. Its sweet whistle attracts us greatly.

the birds which are capable of talking like men are called talking birds. The Moyna, the Shalik, the Shyma, the Chandana and the parrot are talking birds. They can imitate the voice of man when they are trained.

birds are really a wonderful creation of god. They maintain a balance of healthy environment in nature. They contribute much to add charm and beauty of our country. They be friends to the friendless and source of living to the unemployed. So, we should all be kind to these birds and make our land a happy and sound homeland for them.

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