PLAYING FOR KEEPS… (orig story) The End


If you need to catch up: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 - thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it!


It was pretty much the same vibe in every neighborhood they visited.., from Alphabet City to the Upper West Side… They had cheesecake at Eileen's, an Irish whisky with a real gangster in Hells Kitchen.., heard a gunshot on 72nd St and Central Park West that wound up being the bullet that took the life of none other than John Lennon… And what was present in every part of town they visited was the same thing .., the people, no matter how different -- were living, they were experiencing life, not just merely existing…

Back at Charlie's apartment.., they are both a little shell shocked at their trip back in time -- they can't believe the people -- all the people.., lived like that! The joy on their faces from a simple bite of cheesecake, or the comaraderie between gangsters.., and the sadness of a senseless killing -- none of that exists in the world they live. In the world they belong to.., people take joy in others misery and misfortunes.

They head downstairs to the bar -- and it's packed.., everyone staring up at the TV, jeering and booing… They normally don't show any of the savage reality shows that dominate the nightly line-up, but this is an exception… The most savage of them all is gearing up for its finale --Playing For Keeps.., a 3 week manhunt to save the life of a young girl who needs a transplant -- Baby Hope. This girl has something special about her, that has captured the hearts of the masses worldwide -- being raised by a single dad, her mother dying just days after her birth from lack of any healthcare.

At the end of the show, the host announces the extended finale.., almost ensuring a gruesome outcome for someone… "Who out there has the balls, the nerve -- the courage to step-up and save the life of Baby Hope… Who out there, thinks they can survive 3 consecutive episodes, being hunted by the best!" Sin immediately turns the TV off.., but you can hear the people in the bar are quite upset, doubtful that anyone will step-up and try to save this helpless girls life.., an even if someone does -- they won't win.., they never win…

Charlie and Sin take a seat at the back booth.., and as they are getting drunk, Charlie keeps asking her about these pathetic game shows -- particularly the one that was just on… "I was just a small girl when they started.., all the terrorism, greed and hatred already had the people beaten down, pretty good… People became more isolated, there was absolutely no trust left in the government, that's when the extremely wealthy pricks stepped out of the shadows and took over everything. A normal game, on a normal night -- is hunter, hunting one person.., and they never win… They are the very worst of on display for the world to see.""

The whole time Sin has been talking, Charlie's wheels have been turning… He is also aware everyone in the damn bar has not stopped talking about the girl with no hope. And sitting in the that back booth, the same booth his grandfather sat in -- he knew what he had to do! Back up at the apartment, passes out from all the liquor.., and immediately that weird angel shows up --

"Charlie, I know what you're thinking.., and if you do this, the whole world will be watching -- I can't help you, I can't help you win. They need to see you do it, alone. What makes you think you can do this, Charlie -- "

And before he can continue Charlie cuts him off -- "Im not sure I can…" And by the look on the angels face, we can see he's not so sure, either… "If you decide to do this -- remember to listen to your heart…" That night Charlie barely sleeps at all, in his mind, he knows he's going through it.., but he is having a hard time, saying it out loud -- especially to Sin. And when the day of the finale arrives, Charlie tells Sin to get dressed for a night out…

The Big Finale

They step out of the subway in the middle of Times Square.., to see that it is the special location for the Playing For Keeps Finale. Sin is totally confused.., and then immediately worried. The place is electric! And the amount of people that have showed up to see Baby Hopes fate.., you would think it was New Years Eve -- the crowd is huge.

"Why are we here, Charlie -- you hate these shows.., are you going to do something stupid…"

Charlie takes her hand -- "Don't worry, everything is going to work out -- I can feel it."

By the time they enter, the show has already begun.., and as the host welcomes everybody to the biggest finale ever, someone walks on stage and hands him a note… He had not been anticipating anyone stepping-up to save this baby girl, it wasn't even an option as far as he was concerned -- it would be suicide. As he opens this unexpected note, he cannot believe what he is reading.., and a huge greedy smile flashes across his --

"Ladies and gentleman… I have just been handed a note with the name of the one brave soul among who is willing to risk his life.., to save a complete stranger."

As he holds the note up --

"His name is Charlie, just Charlie…"

For a brief second there is complete silence, as everyone in this massive crowd, all at once realizes this man named Charlie.., has just signed his own death warrant. And then -- the crowd explodes with cheers, chanting -- CHARLIE - CHARLIE - CHARLIE!!!

Sin is shocked -- "I can't believe you gonna do this… They are going to hunt and KILL you on live television., and fortune while doing it. You can't win Charlie -- it's fucking fixed, nobody ever wins!"

As Charlie heads for the stage the place erupts -- CHARLIE - CHARLIE - CHARLIE!!! The host, for the first time in his life, actually feels bad.., he knows Charlie has no chance. The rules are laid out for him -- he will make his way through the different neighborhoods, never leaving the island and pick up a designated object in each one… If he is successful Baby Hope will live. If he is not -- we all die!

The host looks at Charlie.., and then to the huge audience --

"And the games start right now!"

Charlie gets a 5 minute head-start.., and then he will be hunted down by 3 of the best hunters ever to have appeared on the show -- these guys make mercenaries look like boy scouts. Charlie is given the first destination.., and as he jumps off the stage, attempting to do the impossible, the crowd for the first time is on the side of the hunted…

To everyones surprise, Charlie makes it through the first challenge -- nobody can believe it, as they starred at the giant Jumbo-tron screen, watching Charlie evade these hired guns -- like a pro! He went in the front door of a building and exited through a fire-escape, disappeared into basements only to be next scene on the rooftops…

And the crowd LOVED IT!

The week leading up to the next challenge.., it's all anyone can talk about -- they were sure he would be killed within hours… But somewhere down deep, they're not even conscious of it yet.., they are experiencing the first signs of hope… And the second weeks challenge goes exactly the same -- Charlie is like a modern day MacGyver.., maneuvering his way out of the stickiest of situations -- like he does it this for a living or something…

After completely week 2 successfully -- people can't stop talking about this guy, Charlie… They are starting to come together as a community.., hanging out in the streets to all hours -- just like people did years ago, before things took such a drastic turn for the worse… And it's all because of this guy named -- CHARLIE.

And nobody knows how he is pulling it off!

What they don't is.., nobody knew this city like Charlie's grandfather -- every alley, shortcut, tunnel and hidden passageways… And it was as if Charlie could actually hear him talk to him, as he made his way throughout the first two challenges -- "Take this tunnel, go down this alley." He was guiding Charlie every step of the way, just by Charlie remembering all the stories his grandfather ever told him…

For the third and final challenge.., Charlie will have to start uptown and make his back to Time Square and the huge crowd, of now, his adoring fans. The first thing that pops into his head is -- the story his grandfather told him about the night he slept with a famous Broadway actress in her dressing room at the St James theater… She took him down a ladder hidden right below the floor boards, right in the orchestra pit, that led to tunnel all the way to an apartment in the basement of the Dakota apartment building -- the place John Lennon was shot.

It was all clicking in his mind, for the first time -- if he could get to that tunnel, he could actually win.., and not only save this beautiful little girl -- but the whole world. Up until this brief moment, he had not let himself think of an outcome -- a result. He needed to be in the moment, every second… But for the first time, he can see it -- envision it in his mind.

The crowd, who has grown to love this man, over the past few weeks.., is completely silent -- they are sure there hero is a Dead Man Walking… Nobody wins, nobody ever wins. Charlie is dropped off at 145th st and Broadway in Harlem at 9pm, he has 3 hours to make it back… Historically Harlem is not a good place for a young white man to be at night.., and in the current environment, that has never been more true…

As Charlie tries to think of the best way to go, for the first time in this challenge -- he is at a lose… None of his grandfathers stories are popping into his mind.., he is on his own. But before he can start to panic.., a group locals -- young african american men and women step out of the shadows --

"Where do you need to get to, Charlie -- we got your back…" This group is armed to the hilt.., and they mean business. "I need to get to the Dakota on 72nd" Charlie blurts out. "Not a problem, my friend -- follow us. BTW you get some set of balls."

It's not easy.., and at least half of them get killed by the hunters, but they finally get Charlie to the Dakota -- but it's 11:30pm, he only has 30 minutes to get to the theater.., which just so happens to be where they are broadcasting the finale… Charlie heads right for the tunnel.., and it's exactly where his grandfather said it would be…

He's not sure if he has enough time.., as he makes his way through these dark tunnels that date back to the 1800's. The crowd at the theater is going crazy, they have no idea where he is -- there are no cameras in this hidden tunnel… But with only 5 minutes remaining now, you can see, all that hope this man, this complete stranger -- inspired, start to slip away… And just like in their lives, they feel helpless -- but as the strikes 11:59pm Charlie springs from below the floor, jumping on to the stage -- crossing the finish line.

The whole place is stunned, you can hear a pin drop -- they can't believe their eyes -- HE WON. HE WON. And then.., a single shot rings out and Charlie falls to the floor. Immediately, the crowd rushes the hunter, who clearly shot Charlie after he crossed the finish line and begin to beat him to a pulp...

"You did it Charlie -- You FUCKING Did It!!!"

Charlie looks confused… How could he have done it, if he is dead..? But before he can speak, his weird angel friend takes him by the shoulders and steadies him, looking him directly in the eyes --

"I had to lie to you Charlie, I had no choice -- I had no fucking choice.., and it wasn't a complete lie… You were the "one" Charlie -- it is, why you were born.., but the world was not ready for you, the timing was off -- it'a all about the timing, Charlie." Hope.., the little girl you just saved -- is filled with pure light, we've never seen anything like it. You're a hero, Charlie -- a real hero."

Still confused, but again before he can say anything -- "Listen Charlie… LISTEN."


The whole arena is a frenzy chanting Baby Hope's name… The place is about to explode, some people are in tears, total strangers hugging the person next to them… The slimy host of the show scurries off the stage fearing for his life.., but before he runs off -- he takes Charlie's lifeless hand and as he raises his arm in the air, we hear --

"Ladies and Gentleman.., we have a WINNER -- HOPE HAS BEEN SAVED!

Sin rushes the stage.., as her emotions swing wildly from sheer joy -- to complete horror, in a split second --

"Charlie… C'mon Charlie, don't you fucking die on me."

But Charlie is dying.., and he knows it, too. He can feel everything, even the whole in the center of his heart made by the lone bullet that pierced it… He looks up at Sin --

"I thought I won…"

You see, Charlie did actually win… He was shot after he crossed the finish line -- and the whole world saw it… They cheated. They killed a man that had put his life on the line for a complete stranger.., because nobody else would… His sacrifice inspired them on levels they never knew existed.., and for the first time in their lives they had hope!

Sin, holding back her tears -- "You did win, baby -- you fucking won. Can hear them.., listen"


"You gave them hope, Charlie -- You gave them fucking hope!

As Charlie's eyes close for the last time.., Sin leans down and as she kisses him softly we hear her whisper --

"That cute little ass of yours is all mine in the next lifetime."

When his eyes reopen, he is on another plane walking with that weird angel -- "Can the little girl do it, can she save the world…"

The angel replies -- "There's always hope, Charlie… Until your last breath, there's always hope."

The End (or just the Beginning).

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