Two-Sided: Chapter III(a)


"So how's... Amy?" Matt asked me once we had sat down at our table and ordered drinks.
"It was Amber." Adam answered for me.
"Was? As in past tense." Matt asked. "What happened this time?"
I called her Mara during sex. I answered in his head. Not that Amber had looked anything like Mara, but it didn't matter.
I just shrugged my shoulders at Matt. Adam started laughing and drank his beer. Adam knew what happened since Amber had made a scene as she stormed out of our apartment in the middle of the night. Half naked and throwing objects, any objects, at me. I had to replace Adam’s super expensive coffee maker.
Matt looked between the two of us but didn't ask for further explanation. I knew he didn't really want the details and he knew I didn't want to elaborate. My brother and I were good like that.
Mara and her teammate came back from the bathroom at that moment. She looked as adorably sexy as ever, even with all the layers. It was more about her knockout smile and bright eyes that were green or brown depending on the light. Right now, brown. Her face was full of freckles. She was always self-conscious about them. I knew the freckles were all over her body. It's not as if we'd never went swimming together before. I just wanted to see where exactly all those freckles went.
She met my eyes across the room and smiled. I lost my breath as I usually did. Then I saw her look over at Matt, blushed, and shyly turn her head away to talk to her friend.
Why can't I ever get that reaction? I thought for the millionth time.
Mara was laughing at something her teammate said as they returned to the table. Cassie? Was that her name? Whatever, she had been hitting on me shamelessly all night, and now she sat next to me and started rubbing my thigh under the table, slowly trying to inch up to my cock.
Luckily, the server came to take our food orders. Mara ordered her normal therminator, a burger made famous by having a full pound of meat on it. She would eat it all. After the waitress left, Mara pounded a glass of water. And then started on her beer. I started pounding my beer. Mara’s competitive nature kicked in and we were racing to see who would finish their beer first. I won.
"Only because you had less to drink." She said as if reading my mind.
"Fine. Next beer we’ll try again."
Cassie started rubbing my leg again. I pulled her hand away and slid out of the booth to meet the twins at the bar as an excuse to run away.
If I had to be honest, Cassie's attention was getting to me, but I had learned a long time ago that while I may be in love with Mara, I wasn't dead below the waist. The problem was that when I was fucking someone else, at some point I would start imagining Mara, and then would accidentally call them Mara. This would usually end the relationship. I only say usually because there was one girl who had gotten off on it. That definitely ended the relationship.
But because of this problem, I couldn't fuck any teammates of Mara's, because it would eventually get back to her. I was surprised that it hadn’t already. I looked over at her laughing with Cassie. So oblivious to everything around her. Okay, I wasn’t that surprised that she hadn’t figured it out. Honestly, I wasn’t ready for her to know. I wasn't ready for that rejection yet. Not until she had given up on Matt and finally saw me.

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