The Dancer - serialized novel Written for Steemit Part 15

Possessions...Welcome Steemit Friends I invite you into my world for some horror and the power to overcome horror. It is a world of the spirit and the hidden abilities some people have that they find out and secretly use to the benefit of all of us. Written for Steemit.

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash Royalty Free

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The Dancer - The Possessions 15

When Roger brought the kids in the house, into the living room, Mommy and Gran’Ma checked them over. They asked what had happened but the kids were too cold to tell their story.

“Martha and Bjorn do not have their pouch necklaces.” Gran’Ma noticed.

Shortly, in a blanket and with a cup of hot cocoa, Martha was warmed and able to talk. She, Bjorn, and Peter told their parents they had been attacked by ‘Them’ on the way home.

“The woman that we saw at the fair that danced, she tried to climb inside of me and I saw the strangest things in my head. I still see the strangest things.” Martha said.

“Me too,” Bjorn agreed. “I was shoved into that woman spirit by the other man while she tried to climb into Martha.”

“I was frozen but I didn’t see anything.” Pete said.

“You can see what?” After he looked at Peter and listened to what his son said, Rog asked Martha and Bjorn.

Martha answered. “I don’t know…There are people in clothes made of feathers, cloth, and leather like I have never seen. They have red hair that is very dark unnatural red. The women have black or red dyed teeth. No one wears shirts. Some have cloaks. They are in a city made of stone. There are big stone buildings. The stone is carved sometimes in strange sculptures. They walk. There are no cars. I felt better, like I was more of myself once I came in the house.”

“They need new pouches fast.” Gran’Ma said.

“Martha can have mine.” Rog said and started to remove it to give to Martha.

“No,” Gran’Ma said. A spark shot from Martha to Gran’Ma’s hand, “Keep yours go get the one out of the car right now.”

“We will need another,” I said to Ma.

“Get the one out of our car Roland and do it now.” Ma said and she turned to Bjorn she reached her hand forward to him and there was a spark from Bjorn to her hand but it was much smaller. She pulled her hand back, “What did you see dear?” She asked Bjorn.

Bjorn described what he saw. “I think I saw the same thing Martha saw but one of the buildings towered over everything else. It was shaped like this.” Bjorn made his hands form a low point. “The front side was the same slope and there were stairs all the way up to the top. Everyone walked. All the people were nearly naked. They wore jewelry and bracelets of copper and pretty stone. Some of the men had the strangest clubs I ever saw. It was a big club with sharp rocks poking out of it. What I saw was so clear. It stopped as soon as I entered the car.”

Martha elaborated and agreed with Bjorn. “Yes, they had jewelry. There was a giant flea market. I saw that and there were all sorts of very strange things for sale, including furniture, rugs, kitchen things, pottery, and herbs. It was like the farmers market with all sorts of things. I was in an herb shop.”

Bjorn told more of what he saw. “People carried loads on their backs in big packs or slings, like wood, fruit, and vegetables but there weren’t any fruits or vegetables I recognized.”

“There were a lot of people in this stone city,” Martha said.

“The streets were long and paved with stones.” Bjorn said.

Rog and then Gran’Pa came in the front door. They had the pouches. Rog walked to Martha and moved the necklace forward to her neck to tie it in place.

“Rog Stop!” Ma ordered Rog, “Don’t try to touch her. Let Martha put it on her own neck.”

Rog stopped and held out the pouch to Martha, “Here, take it and put it on Martha.”

Martha reached her hand toward the pouch dangling from her father’s hand. As her hand came close to grasping the pouch, the pouch moved out of the way her hand. She repeatedly tried to grasp the pouch and could not grab a hold of it. It flung itself away from her hand no matter how quick she tried to be.

Ma turned away from Martha and toward Bjorn and me. She said, “Roland, try to give the pouch to Bjorn.” I held out the pouch to Bjorn and he tried to grab the pouch. At first, it was like when Martha tried to grab it though not nearly as forceful.

“Wait a moment. I can grab it. I need to concentrate. Please let it dangle right there and I know I can grab it.” Bjorn closed his eyes. He altered his breathing. Instantly, so fast that I did not see it, Bjorn snatched the pouch from my hand and put it around his neck. He tied it tightly as he fell to the floor of the living room.

“Look,” I pointed at Bjorn stunned.

Pete and Martha saw what was happening. I knew it by the expression on their faces.

“Rog tie it on her now!” Gran’Ma ordered. Mommy, Gran’Ma, and I fought to hold Martha, sparks and all so Rog could…

Written for Steemit: Copyright © 2017 Jeff Kubitz - The Dancer - et al. All Rights Reserved.

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