The Dancer - serialized novel Written for Steemit Part 12

Happy Halloween!

Lucky Pouches continued - Welcome Steemit Friends I invite you into my world for some horror and the power to overcome horror. It is a world of the spirit and the hidden abilities some people have that they find out and secretly use to the benefit of all of us. Written for Steemit.

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash Royalty Free

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Table of Contents - Page 1

The Dancer - Lucky Pouches 12

“Hmm…” she mused to herself and then said to him, “While we joined they are gone or whoever was in the boat is gone.”

“See where the boat is? I’ll leave a ward on the boat so we will know when it moves,” he said and since they were joined these words were only thought received by the other.

“Perhaps I do need to rest a bit more before we take her.” She said.

“You still think we can take her?” He asked as he cast the ward on the boat. The ward, was one of the adult spirits seen at the fair – invisible to almost everyone and this was one more invisible than most, a flock of spirit bats. She nodded.

Ma sensed something. The task took them much longer than anticipated. She had her wards in the house, boat, vehicles and Sara Lynn was now in agreement because there had been several close calls.

From the day we went fishing in August to today, Halloween, there were several close calls. I personally recalled seeing them twice but I sensed I was invisible to them or they were not interested in me. Martha had several close calls and so did Bjorn.

The first two, Martha tried to dance them off and they nearly got her, she said. It was the same with Bjorn. He had been there both times, all five times with Martha. For some reason, her dance had lost its power, the ability to rid ‘THEM’.

Bjorn had received his black belt two weeks ago in kung fu. At age fifteen and at six foot one, I observed to Rog that Bjorn was the deadliest person I ever met. He was also a linebacker and he could put a hit on someone he tackled.

He was far better than any other high school player I had ever seen in my life at that position. He looked like he might grow more and even though he was all these things I have described; he said he constantly had to adjust to his new body.

Bjorn, unlike many young men was completely disciplined. He knew he was lethal. He spent a lot of time developing his ‘chi’. A magical force, I did not understand his explanation and did not listen to it. The biggest problem was not Bjorn in his relationship with Martha: Martha wanted Bjorn and in a bad way. It was obvious. To keep Martha from touching Bjorn whenever she could was a full time job for her parents and grandparents, Ma and I.

There had not been an attack or a sighting for awhile and there was something I wanted to mention but could not fit it in: There were riots and protests everywhere in the country. Cleveland burned. The hippies protested the war. Detroit, not all that far away was not as bad as Cleveland but we had relatives there. There was great fear that Detroit might burn in a riot. Tanks were stationed in several cities. And by now, I had figured out that it was ‘them’ that caused this, the two. Or, somehow they fired the conditions – made everything seem worse than it really was. It was like there was a pall of doom – that is the best way I can describe it.

The kids went out by themselves to trick or treat, with Bjorn, what could happen? I really did think he could protect Martha. We stayed at the house.

“Our plans are going well now that we link. I wanted you to know that in some ways you have exceeded my wisdom. There are very few to oppose us and the opposition is so small, it really does not matter. I think you may be more powerful than I.” She said in the linked state.

“I am only more powerful than you because of the need for you to get another body. Once you do…”

“Perhaps you are right, I should choose someone else. We cannot find her. We cannot find her two friends and this body is – it takes more power to maintain it each day. You deserve someone young and beautiful instead of me.”

“It has happened before to us both when the other’s body aged. Your age is of no concern to me. You need to change before this body falls so that you are not trapped in the spirit world for any longer than necessary. This is my greatest concern.”

“I think we should take apart Toledo tonight, hit it hard. Look what we have done elsewhere. She might be easy to get in calamity.”

“We have tried and her dancing greatly turns back our efforts. We should continue elsewhere. If all else fails, Toledo will be all that is left. Then, we can take Toledo.”

“Let us look, let us attack anyways.” They called forth a storm.

The three kids were out with thousands of others going door to door. Martha was costumed as a teenage princess in a chiffon dress with tiara, Bjorn a pirate, and Pete as some sort of vampire or undead. He wore wax fangs. His skin was painted white with black around his eyes. His clothes were ragged and dirty. “All I will do is croak in undead monster noises if anyone asks any questions because I just crawled out of a grave.” Pete laughed. His costume beat the system.

The wind came up and no one stopped the festivities of Halloween. At about 9 pm, it started to snow lightly. Weather like this was not unusual at this time of year and once in awhile deep snow had hit. The trick or treating did not stop.

It became icy and still the kids continued. The princess slipped, Pete slipped, and without anyone knowing it, Pete ripped off Martha’s pouch. Neither he nor Martha knew it had happened and the pouch flew off into the night.

Bjorn grabbed the two to stop them from hitting the ground and held them steady, “Everyone okay.”

“Thanks,” Martha and Pete said to Bjorn. Once they were completely steadied, they continued on the trick or treat path to get more candy.

They passed over the worse neighborhoods and spread woe and despair. Then, they headed for the center of town government. They wished to spread greed and corruption. They wished to spread a feeling of ill will and sickness on the capital of the city. Before they arrived to perform their wickedness:

“Is that her alone,” he said and pointed down at the sidewalk. She looked down his arm because there were a lot of children still out.

“Oh how fortunate.” She looked evilly at Martha and leered with a wicked desire. “She is not alone but…her two friends are with her. We should wait until they are not on an open street.”

“We can take all of them, unawares. Rid the three of them with one fast attack.” He plotted.

“We might also be able to find out where they live. No, you are right. I will possess her as soon as they are alone and begin to take her, make her me.”

“What if we did not attack them but you merely slipped into her, do you think the other two would know, could do anything to stop you?” He observed.

“With her, I could take the other two as well after I am one with her body.” She mused. “They would never suspect a thing. Let us stay well back behind them. Let us do nothing she might sense.” They agreed and faded back, watched Martha. They stopped the advance of the storm but concentrated on cold.

As the cold hit, children, especially the small ones headed toward home. The numbers of children began to quickly drop off on the streets.

“This is a cold outfit. I want to go home,” Martha said.

“We have enough candy,” Bjorn said and shook his bag. “Let’s go back to your house.”

They could hear what was said by Martha. They could see that the streets quickly cleared. They thought to cast indecision and bewilderment on an unprotected Martha but decided to wait while a conversation occurred and observe.

“There are still plenty of lights on.” Pete said.

“I am cold Pete. I am going home now.” Martha started off and Bjorn jumped after her. He put his arm around her.

“Thanks Bjorn.” Martha smiled at him, “You arm around me helps a lot.”

“You’re welcome Martha.” Bjorn liked to hold Martha.

“So the other two are named Pete and Bjorn,” she smiled.

“I think he has his arm around her,” he observed.

“You are learning much faster than I hoped.” She said. “Even though she had disappeared within his protection, you can still know where they are at?”

“Yes, I can sense them.”

“You would have already learned this, to extend your senses but there have been very few learning opportunities in this new age. Just watching has helped you more than I could have imagined.”

“Do you want to take her still?”

She watched where the children walked. Their footprints were in the snow, left behind them with each step. “All we need to have happen is for the streets to be a little more deserted. She will cry out when I first enter her.”

“We could knock her down, maybe out with a fall.” He suggested.

“I am warm enough Bjorn let’s try holding hands to move faster.” Martha said.

“Do you sense something about one of the others,” she asked.

“No, should I?”

“I am not certain but it seems he has acquired some sort of real power he never had before. Carefully reach, very carefully and you might sense it in the bigger one, the one holding her.” He obeyed.

“Martha!” Bjorn pulled her into him, “I felt like someone or something reached into me. Pete come and grabs a hold of the Martha on the other side, Now Pete! Martha put your arms around each of us.”

Pete did as he was told. He quickly moved up and put his arm around Martha.

“You are correct. He has changed.”

“He is a new warrior. He has achieved manhood. We shall still take them and this was very good practice for you.”

“We need to look around us. We need to wheel.” Bjorn said. “Stop, Pete, turn back to your left and we will follow, look closely.”

“Back up further. Don’t let them sense us.”

“Anyone see anything?” Pete asked.

“The streets are almost empty.” Martha said as they wheeled. “I don’t see anything.”

“I don’t know,” Bjorn thought he saw something a half mile down the road but it was gone in an instant and he said. “Maybe it was just the cold.”

“I did get very cold. Let’s head for home.” Martha said.

“Maybe we imagined it but it did get real cold.” Pete said. “I think we could run if we stayed on the grass instead of the sidewalk.” The other two agreed and that is what they did. They ran arm in arm, the swinging bags of candy made it difficult but they were in such superb, nimble physical condition.

They made good time. The grass, frozen or not gave good footing. They broke to dodge around the big trees.

“We only have two blocks to go.” Martha said. They came to a house where a hedge was planted in the edge, Pete took the street. Bjorn and Martha took the sidewalk and they went sprawling.

“Attack,” She ordered. “She is mine. Get them!”

Written for Steemit: Copyright © 2017 Jeff Kubitz - The Dancer - et al. All Rights Reserved.

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