Fenrir: My D&D World History

The Valen captained by Gamon Valendourf Founder of Fenrir. Oluune 15th, R.E(Resonance Era) 492

As a sort of companion to my upcoming campaign dairy I thought it would be nice to have a cool history for the world of Fenrir which my groups adventure will be set in. So I will be sharing fictitious history bites with all of you.

I Hope you enjoy the first series which will be a Journey log written by Gamon Valendourf, Captain of The Valen.

Log 134
Thuune 8, R.E 492

I've done it. I've crossed into blue seas and bright skies on the other side of The Breach. After 58 days wandering in that wretched black sea, my compass useless in a the vast emptiness and my men falling to creature and sickness alike, we have arrived.

The creatures of The Breach and Thuune himself have taken 32 of my men. They fought bravely, and will never be forgotten, I will make sure their loved ones know of their feats and are well taken care of when we return.

As for our current destination, anywhere away from that dreaded sea with a quite place to rest and gather some supplies would do,however no sightings of land as of yet, but hope is renewed under this gorgeous blue sky.

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