Deprived: The Unsleptable

So, I tested it, I got the effect after roughly 40 hours of staying up, I even tried it for up to 80 hours. Unsure of how it'd go. This was a year ago of course, so I thought it'd be fun to write something which might occur because of it, as I was also affected very severely by something similar.


This is what might "happen


You hear windows been knocked on, door knobs seem to seemingly be moving on their own, you even see it slightly shaking now and then, at times you feel like objects move from one place to the other and sometimes you feel like someone is behind you.

Unsure of what to do in this condition of yours, you decide to go out for a short walk to get your mind cleared, but you get this uncomfortable feeling of someone or something coming after you! You start to increase your walking pace, initially, it's not a significant increase either, but then you see a figure seemilwalking beside you, before even thinking about it, you start to run, faster and faster. But as your body reaches its limits you come to your senses, why would someone come after me? You said out loud. You look back, but there was nothing, silly me you think. But then you feel this eerie sensation and before you know it, you get a full blown adrenaline rush, and you speed up, and sprint as if you were Usain Bolt. And bam, somehow you became unconscious, you probably hit something! You freaking moron.


Time passes and you feel something, unsure of what it is you try to open your eyes, it seems challenging, but somehow you manage. The first thing you see is someone laying on the bed beside you, also you notice this is not your place, thoughts come rushing in your head, but you ignore them as if they were of no need for any heed. 

To begin with, you tell yourself to observe your surroundings, but as soon as start moving you feel something in between your thighs. Paranoia kicks in, stronger than ever before too! It was the worst possible scenario, you thought. But decide that it'd be much worse to panic. It is time to lift up the blankets, you tell yourself. You move up to a sitting position to get a better view of your nether regions, and you see this big oval shaped thing. You think for a second, should I just move out of the blankets and just head home or see this through? You decide on the ladder. You start lifting the blanket, slowly, you see a head shaped thing, but you do not panic, you lift it up entirely, at awe you watch, and utter these words; "what the actual fuck, what did I even do while I was sleep deprived?" That is a freaking chicken carcass, you yell out loudly.

The one besides you still is sleeping, you move out of the bed, and head out immediately. But as you leave and head to the door, you can clearly see that the door knob is shaking...

It is advised to sleep at appropriate times... at least 6-7h for adults, do not undermine this. Sleep is very important

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