Daily Tarot/Prophecy Card #11

This is in addition to my Daily Dream/Meditation blog. I will be randomly selecting a card from one of my Tarot/Prophecy decks to get an energy/theme for the day. I will add a real picture of the card I will take in the morning and either my personal take on it or the translation from the book.

Deck- Sacred Geometry

This card explores how love grows and entwines and becomes holistic joining. Like on the caduceus, which symbolizes healing, two roses entwine with stems and blossoms of water lilies to create a flowering of earthly love. Golden spirals form a fountain from which lovers drink the nectar of passion and spirit.

Finding and maintaining relationships is one of the most challenging, rewarding, aspects of our human experience. Some are fortunate. They find perfect partners early and develop lifetimes of joy and fulfillment, just as the fairy tales portray. For others the quest for love and romance is an elusive and even painful journey.

This card asks you to look closely at what you want from the person you have chosen or are seeking to be your life partner. Is this relationship dictated solely by passion? Sweet and exciting as that may be, passion alone will not sustain love over time. Only when you share in passion and Spirit will you find the path to lasting relationship. If this is your quest, then consult the intelligence of your heart, and by your intention you will attract that sacred union into your life.

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