Daily Dream/Meditation #10

I wanted to start a simple daily Dream and Meditation blog to get me back on track and I thought what better way than Steemit to keep me motivated! I get paid and am more likely to do my exercises as "hopefully" people will want to keep track of my progress and I also want to keep track of YOURS! If you have or are starting your own dream or meditation blog please paste your steemit webpage link below "after you post" in my comment section below and I WILL check out your blog and we can all motivate EACH other to stay on track with our practices. Just try to keep it related to Dream/Meditation/Spiritual practices. You don't have to have an elaborate/fantastic story to share. If you do, that's great, but the goal here is to keep the momentum going with our practices. One thing I have done that helps is make a folder in your favorites on your browser and save the webpage of one article of someone you like on steem and use that to click on their username to check their articles. Easy way to do it since there is no friend list. I will probably attach this paragraph to each post, so if you are viewing these daily you can just skip this section each time. Remember- The more often you practice your Dream/Meditation routine, the better "like any else" you will become.


Time- Early Morning
Meditation- 10 minutes
Focus- 1/10 (Mind racing a bit)
Focus object- Breath
Body- Relaxed 10%
Position- Half lotus
Insight- none


I was on a vacation with a group of people and some Asian girl and a classmate kept calling to see if i took some paperwork from class as she needed it and was in trouble. Even though I knew she wasn't "really" in trouble, she kept blaming herself for some reason. A couple of friends were there and they began to pull out these character sheets and we started to play a pen and paper role playing game. We were sitting down eating lunch and playing the game in front of my old high school.

Another short dream i was riding my old Maxim motorcycle and was looking for gas and each station i stopped at i would smell the gas, but knew it wasn't good for the bike, so i had to go to different stations to find the right one.

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