Farmers Market Challenge (Participation Requested)

Most of us are aware of the dangers that factory farming pose to both our well-being and the health of our environment. Animal cruelty, pollution, exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, antibiotics, and other pharmaceutical drugs (in both food and water), are just some of the risks and concerns.

Unfortunately, here in the US, many of the agribusiness corporations that profit heavily from this toxic food supply chain are also continually lobbying our government to further relax rules and regulations to make the situation even worse. One of the favorite tactics of the agribusinesses is to attempt to bastardize how the FDA defines terms like “free-range” and “organic” with the goal of making the labels nearly worthless or to completely do away with labeling requirements for things like genetically modified (GMO) foods. If they are successful, consumers will have no idea what they’re buying. Considering our government and FDA so heavily influenced by these powerful corporations, how can we have more assurance that the food we’re buying is safe and healthy for ourselves and our children?

One great option is to buy from local farmers markets and there’s no easier time to do this than in the spring and summer.

Most often, Farmers Markets are comprised of small local producers that you can research or even visit in person. My wife and I are firm believers of “voting with our dollars” and have gotten to know many of the vendors in our Farmers Market throughout the years and know a lot about their integrity, beliefs, and practices.

Fun fact: Locally produced honey has been shown to help alleviate allergy symptoms.

Buying locally grown, non-GMO organic fruits/vegetables, free-range chicken and pork, as well as grass-fed beef/dairy allows us to support the ideals that are better for ourselves and the planet we all share.

Locally sourced produce is harvested later in the growing cycle than conventionally raised supermarket produce because the shelf life doesn’t have to be as long. The meat, eggs, and dairy found in our farmer’s market typically come from animals that are treated much more humanely. The animals have better diets and an overall higher quality of life. All adds up to healthier food that tastes so much better. You might be surprised how affordable farmers markets can be as well.

No, this woman wasn't doing the Russian just looks like it.

Sometimes we just need a little nudge to encourage us to change our habits and behaviors (myself included.) This is why @fairytalelife and I decided to come up with this little challenge for Steemians this spring and summer.

If you have a local Farmers Market visit it this summer and write a post about it, using the category, farmersmarket-challenge. Let me know about the post after you publish it and I will, personally, RESTEEM it. Have a relaxing, healthy, and Steemy summer!

Amstel is quite offended by this sign.

*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Eric Vance Walton - Media

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