Crushing Writer’s Block (Indie Author Series)

Writer’s block is one of the most frustrating afflictions that a writer can suffer from. It can cause unparalleled stress from project delays, missed deadlines, it can even make you feel like banging your head against the closest solid object. All of us writers have suffered from writer’s block at some point in our lives.

When I first began working on my novel, some days I had no idea what I would write about and didn’t feel like writing after expending so much mental energy at my day job. The thought of sitting down and trying to create anything when I felt this exhausted filled me with dread.

What I learned is something I’ll take with me for the rest of my life, writer’s block can be beaten. After a while I realized that I had control over my creative mood and it could be easily sparked given the right environment. Getting into the writing zone for me is like opening the channel, once the brain is tuned in to this channel of creativity the words just flow. Some of my best writing has been accomplished after I felt like I couldn’t write another word.

Studies have shown that under extreme stress the human brain shifts control from the cerebral cortex to the limbic system, which is the part of the nervous system associated with the fight or flight response. It’s difficult to say if stress causes writer’s block or vice versa but whichever comes first, writer’s block can usually be alleviated in just a few simple steps.

Following are some of my tips for getting your creativity back:

Try to Find a Proper Writing Space.

It’s important to find a space dedicated to only your writing. The environment should be quiet, comfortable, and as free from potential distractions as possible. After a while, merely stepping foot into this sacred space you create for yourself will help to coax your creative mood.

Create the Mood

Create a mood that's conducive to creativity. Play soft music or tracks that feature sounds of nature, light a candle or burn mild incense. I usually play classical music or binaural beats but it’s all a matter of finding what works for you. Experiment and find what things help you to get your (writing) groove on.

Check Your Head / Meditate

Access your frame of mind before sitting down to write. If you find your mind is full of other thoughts, responsibilities, and worries try this short meditation before beginning to write.

While seated in a chair, close your eyes, and straighten your back.

  • BREATHE in deeply through your nose for a count of 5;
  • HOLD the breath for a count of 3; and
  • EXHALE through your mouth for a count of 5.

Repeat this breathing exercise 5 times. Each time you exhale imagine the stress and worries of the day leaving your mind and your body. I know, it sounds deceptively simple but this is a powerful tool. Your body and mind will be flooded with oxygen and you should find yourself in a much more relaxed and creative frame of mind.

Be Kind To Yourself

Remember, never judge your first draft too harshly. Just write. First drafts are never perfect but many times contain the seeds of a great idea but, like a diamond in the rough, must first be cut and polished to reveal its many facets of brilliance. The more you remember to be kind to yourself, the less anxiety you’ll have and the better your end product will become.

Outline Chapters

When working on long fiction, outline your chapters first. The key to finishing a novel is breaking it into manageable chunks. Many people sit down and try to write a 60,000+ word novel while staring at a blank white screen or page and become overwhelmed to the point of being paralyzed. As a result, often times their book is never finished. Create the framework of the book first then fill in the gaps. This is the fastest and easiest way to finish your novel.

If All Else Fails, Walk Away...

...momentarily. Too much work doesn't just make you a dull person, it can also stifle creativity. Engage yourself in something other than writing. It might sound crazy but walking the dog has freed me from the grips of the most debilitating bouts of writer’s block. Usually after a few minutes the ideas begin flowing again. I’ve used my iPhone more times than I can count to record the ideas after the dam breaks.

Above all, believe in yourself and keep writing. Poet Sylvia Plath said, “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” This is so true. As a writer you will eventually look back and realize that you have become better with each word you’ve typed, the real key is continued practice. In the end it doesn’t really matter if that particular writing session is good or bad, the most important thing is the act of writing itself. Write on!

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(Gif sourced from and images sourced from Pixabay.)

*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Eric Vance Walton - Media

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