Sea Green Lakes

Have you ever seen such a sea green lake? Blue green, green, sea green, probably all the tones of mixed blue and green you could think of.


It's not just Switzerland that has them by the way, I've seen one in Germany, too and a few in Austria.

I always wonder how on earth do they get to look like that. Is it cause of the green mountains and the blue sky around them? Is it cause of what's in there? HOWWWWWWWWWWW???

We're also in the EU but the lakes in The Netherlands are rather brown compared to these. They are clean though and people bathe in them, too specially in the summer. The whole lake would look like a beach with people on swimsuits and some even topless, sunbathing on the sandy lake shore around it.


Yeah, am this close to it and I thought it would finally look brown but no!

Okay, this does look like brown but if you look harder, you'd see that it's just cause of the rocks but that water sure looks more like white - ish. Anyway, can you see the minnows swimmin' in there?


These are still considerably minnows though they were bigger than those above.


You know what amazes me the most? There's plenty of tourist there but the trash you'd see in the water comes mostly from nature, leaves or fallen stems floating here and there.

Well, I'd be damn ashamed if I'd cause pollution on this one, too, wouldn't you? It's that beautiful cause no plastic is floating on it yet except for the parts of boats, kayaks and love boats on it. A very few of them though.

If only the world would realize it's up to all of us to keep such a beauty as this stay as emerald gem as it is. Clean and ever breathtaking! Well, of course the trashcans around it helped, too.


Would you like to swim in such a lake? I'm actually scared of swimming in lakes because where I came from, they're murky, full of sh** and stinks like it, too. In short - very, very dirty! Why? Because of the people who lived around them, no discipline! They just throw all their trash and s**t in the water as if the water could take care of everything.

Oh, it's not just the lakes that have that case in Asia, not just in the Philippines. The seas are that abused, too! More than abused! Perhaps the world could learn from the EU specially on places like this.


There are people living around these lakes ( there's plenty of them above the mountains, too!) yet, they look well kept, clean and the air you could breathe in here is even mountain breeze! Despite the few boats around and there's even a camping site on it, yet, this clean!


I dipped my hands in the water to feel whether it's cold and yes, it was. I wouldn't do that if I were in Asia cause - pee stink and floating s**t!

Here, someone was even swimming in it and a few were kayaking on their swimsuits. I asked my husband whether it's possible to just swim to the other end and back and he said, it must be really deep and the current could be strong if a ship passes by, so it would be dangerous.

I really wanted to take a dip on that lake but it was that time of the month and I wasn't sure I could hold myself from swimming to the other end. If something goes wrong, my hubby could call this number.


Anyhow, they call this "strandbad" which if we translate in Dutch - it would mean "beach bath". Oh well, it must be the sand and that seashore like promenade around it which is also very well kept, not even a candy wrapper in sight.

Well, shame on the ones who don't throw their trash properly!! More so, shame on those who just throw them in the water! In the Philippines, we have a saying that goes;

"The trash you threw just anywhere would definitely find it's way back to you."

Maybe we should keep on "doing more" than just "saying that". I would never dare swim in any lake in Asia. No thank you!


How about you? Have you ever swam in any lake and in which part of the world?
Would you dare swim in this one?
Have you got this sea grean, not polluted lakes where you live?
How do your people take care of it?

This content's 100% mine . I took some of the pics with my D Eye and some with my smartphones.

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