Short story of the day: Voyeur

 Prompt:  She  didn't know what made her follow them, they looked like any other  couple  

 Fuente de la imagen:

She  didn't know what made her follow them, they looked like any other  couple ... It may have been her long white legs, wrapped in her tight  red dress, or the curve of her neck when he whispered words to her ear  during dinner. Maybe it was the possessive way he put his arm around her waist, drawing her to him, pushing her away from the crowd. Maybe what fascinated her was the woman mesmerizing blue gaze, when she looked over  her shoulder, then smiled as if she knew her deepest secret and turned  to her lover over again.

Now  she saw them in the distance, her instinct telling her that she  shouldn't be there, but she couldn't take her eyes off the two figures  that seemed like interwoven branches between the trees.

Her heart was beating fast and, as if her body had a life of its own, she decided to take a step forward.

But  the girl never reach the couple, a hand covered the scream that  came out of her mouth and in that moment she realized that the smile of  the woman was directed to someone else, someone who like the girl, was  once also seduced by the strange couple. 

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