Jazz - a Guzzi SF adventure (G6)


Jazz was enjoying herself. Possibly even more than the Gar, if that was possible. Sure, what she was doing was cruel. But only a teensy bit.

So what if they hate each other?

They were blood. Well, maybe not blood, exactly, how could they be, different species and all. But they were... related. Yes. that was it.

It wasn't her fault that the two people they needed to complete the mission (and the ship was very clear about this) were Dr Plinfinorfyck, the galaxy's foremost expert on the entombed, who also happened to be a Heraphore who was psychically linked to the second person the ship told them the mission needed, Diamond Guzzi, the great, Ha!, or not so great as it happens, adventurer.

And not her fault that Guzzi had left it all behind to sit out life working as a jockey on a mining roid just to be far enough away from his sister that she couldn't sense him.

Whatever. If they caused too much trouble she'd lock them in their rooms, have a drink and turn up the music.

"Lord Gar," the Chancellor was saying, "I of course am an expert in Gar history too. Maybe if you explain to me why you require Dr Plinfinorfyck I may be able to assist you?"

Schmeep said nothing, but continued to hum his gritty version of Dirty Deeds to the room. The various doctors and professors in attendance made an effort not to stare too much over the rims of their teacups.

I just hope she keeps her psychic intrusions focussed on Guzzi...

"Of course, as a Heraphore, Dr Plinfinorfyck will attune to all your mind energies over time," said Chancellor Lorish, turning to Jazz.

Months? Fine. Weeks? Creepy.

"And minutes?"

Jazz stared at the Chancellor. "I would find that extremely offensive."

Chancellor Lorish smiled serenely.

Get the shindung outta my brain.

"I'm not yet in you're brain my dear. Merely scratching your dandruff."

Jazz smiled and reached for cake. "It's a funny thing. I like to shoot things when I get offended. My psychoanalyst told me that was bad. And she was right. I did feel bad. Until I shot her."

She looked away and happened to catch Guzzi's eye.

He shrugged. "Too late now," he said.

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Picture courtesy of pixabay.com



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


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