🌳 The Land of Nordania 🌑 ~ PART 2 ~ [Original Story/Poem]

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The Land of Nordania
Such a magical vibe it yields
It makes me wonder
Where its roots will lead
What its core will show

I'v heard the stories of Queen L'odaine
How she lost herself
In search for true perfection
What happened to her?
To become this fallen soul
Did she find something?

From deep down into the woods
I can hear the echoes howl
The silent voices scream in desperation
The softly spoken whispers
Mumbling out some strange phrases
In words, unheard by humankind

It leaves me in this urge of wonder..
Where will its roots lead me?
What will its core reveal?
And what happened, to Queen L'odaine?
I am dying to know.
What lays beyond this cotton of misery and despair
I am not afraid.

I Dare To Enter


~ PART 3 ~ Coming Up!

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